Salespage Snapshot

Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Introduction Page 4
Chapter 2
Recycling Page 6
Chapter 3
Save as Much Power as Possible Page 8
Chapter 4
Cut Back on the Use of Paper Products Page 11
Chapter 5
Transportation Page 13
Chapter 6
Organic Gardening & Lawn Care Page 16
Chapter 7
Additional Tips to Help you Live Green Page 20
Chapter 8
Conclusion Page 23
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Chapter 2
Recycling is one of the easiest as well as most effective ways that you can help the environment. There are plenty of different projects at home you can separate from your trash for this purpose. It is convenient if you buy plastic trash barrels and label them for individual products.
You should have one for glass, plastic, and cardboard. If you drink soda from cans then have one for those aluminum cans as well. Find out where you can take each of these full barrels to be recycled when you need to. There should be centers for them locally around town.
You will often find receptacles out there that allow you to place these items into at collection spots. They are just huge containers that will get emptied out on a regular basis. This is perfect when the community doesn’t have any other method for taking in the items to be recycled.
If your community doesn’t offer them you need to see what you can do to get them in place. You can contact your local officials in person or with a letter asking them to consider offering them. Explain your concerns that without such receptacles in place people won’t be encouraged to recycle in your area.
The concept of recycling can extend to your schools and place of employment as well. Do your best to get this important issue recognized everywhere you can. In
many instances people just need to be educated and then reminded about the benefits of recycling for our environment.
Your information can motivate them to take part in it. Don’t overlook the importance of letting children know either. They are often very excited by recycling and find it to be thrilling. They can often help encourage their parents to take part in such efforts as well.
Buying products that have been recycled such as paper products is a great way to show your support for these efforts. You will notice some greeting cards are made from them. Even supplies such as napkins used in fast food restaurants can be made from recycled paper.
It is also very simple to carry around a large mesh bag when you are going to shop for a few items. Rather than getting a paper or plastic bag from them you can place your purchased items into your own bag. Look for one that is durable so it you can reuse it over and over again.
Chapter 3
Save as Much Power as Possible
We use electricity for many things in our lives, and often do so without thinking twice about it. We turn on the switch for lights in our home and to turn on electronic devices all the time. Yet we need to do our best to save as much power as we can.
The types of light bulbs that you are using can be a problem for the environment. There are many places that sell those that are energy efficient though. You can get them in any size you need for all the rooms in your home. They aren’t very expensive and what you do spend on them you will save with a lower electricity bill each month.
It is very simple to cut back on the amount of lighting you use at all though. During the day open curtains and allow the natural sunlight to shine through. Then you will only need to turn on the lights at night when the sun goes down or on cloudy days.
The use of sky lights has become very popular for businesses and even in newer homes. This allows the sun to be shining through the ceiling and so less electricity has to be used. Some of the larger retail stores such as Wal-Mart use this as much as possible.
Look up as you walk through one of their stores. You will notice during the day they don’t have very many lights on at all. Sometimes a cloud will roll in front of the sun and you will notice it immediately gets darker in the store than before. They are saving a huge amount of money on electricity and they are also helping the environment.
There are many ways in which you can generate electricity too that comes from alterative power. You can place solar panels on your roof which will collect electricity. That is the source your home will use for all of its needs when you turn the power on to something.
Should you run out of the solar power that has been collected it will immediately kick over to the regular electricity without any interruption to you at all. There is also the use of wind and water power in some areas. Take a look at these alternative methods and see what you can do with them for your own home.
A big waster of electricity that pollutes the environment is leaving light bulbs burning on your porch when you are away from home. You don’t have to go without lighting when you return but you don’t need to do it that way anymore. There are some great alternatives to consider.
You can place decorative solar lights along your driveway. Some of them are very short while others are tall lantern style. It is completely up to you which look you would like to have for the landscaping of your home. Since you don’t need to plug them in to an outlet you can place them anywhere you would like to out there.
These lights collect power from the sun in the day time and as soon as it gets dark they will illuminate your hard. When they run out of solar power they will turn off. Should they have enough to last all night then they will turn off when they sun comes up and start collecting energy to use all over again.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 28 Pages
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- 2 Ecovers (PSD, PNG)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2022
- File Size: 17,350 KB
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