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Ebook Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents 3
Introduction 5
Chapter 1: The Physical Aspects Of Your Adnominal Muscles 6
The Muscle Make Up 6
What Do They Do? 9
Chapter 2: Where Do They Come From Anyway? 13
The Risks You Face 13
Understanding Insulin Resistance 14
Chapter 3: Exercise First 17
Talk With Your Doctor 17
Crunches With Raised Legs 18
Bend Over Twists 19
Elbow/Knee Sit Up 21
Additional Exercises Add More Benefit 22
Chapter 4: Exercising For Weight Loss And Love Handle Loss 27
Spot Reducing: It Won’t Help 28
Exercising For Weight Loss 29
Why It Works: Your Metabolism 35
Pulling It Together 36
Chapter 5: Your Eating Lifestyle 37
Protein 38
Vegetables 39
Fatty Acids 40
Sugars 41
Antioxidants 43
Supplements 45
Pulling It Together 46
Chapter 6: Managing Stress 48
The Science Of Stress 49
Conclusion 51
PLR Ebook Sample Content Preview
“Love handles” is a term that is used to describe that area of your waist that allows for others to grab on to you, as if it was a handle rather than a roll of extra skin and fat.
While love handles are traditionally at the side of the body, just above the hips, the term is used to describe more than just this area. By working to improve this area you will improve your entire waistline, from your stomach muscles to your sides to your back muscles.
Many start off with working on improving their love handles because of the way that they look. That’s a noble cause, but for health concerns, you should target this area anyway. Researchers have found that excess weight around the middle is a clear indication that an individual will suffer from heart risks at an accelerated level. In other words, by having a larger middle area, you increase your chances of developing things like heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.
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* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF, RTF
* Number of Pages: 53
* Download File Size: 1,121 KB