Salespage Snapshot
Ebook Table Of Contents
1. Introduction
2. What am I going to have to do?
3. What services can I offer?
4. How to grab those top rankings
5. Getting clients
6. Expanding your business
7. Final thoughts
Ebook Sample Content Preview
Welcome to this guide on how to start making money by using your online skills, offline.
There is a whole world of profit out there in the offline arena for people to take advantage of. People are coming in droves every day to try and make money online so they can sit at home in their underwear, yet 95% of them fail to make any money. Yet those people with the skills they have learnt (if they really took action and spent time learning what they need to do) could probably make a killing using those skills for local businesses who have no clue about the power of the internet.
To your average restaurant owner or local accountancy firm etc then if you know a little bit about SEO and building a list then you are some kind of online god and they also think that kind of knowledge is specialist and therefore worth lots of money…
Think about how much money an accountant might make from one customer they get off the internet, or a lawyer etc, now consider how much they’d be willing to pay you for a steady stream of targeted traffic to their site…
None of this is hard, but these firms have no desire to learn these skills for themselves, they run their own business and they just want to pay someone else to deal with all that for them so they can concentrate on what they are good at, that means you can step in and get rewarded handsomely for your time. Think about this, companies will happily pay thousands of dollars a month on newspaper and radio ads, so they have big budgets for things that can bring them in customers.
It is best if you have at least some knowledge about making money online, even if you haven’t actually made any money with that knowledge. But even if you don’t know anything about online marketing then by the end of this guide you’ll know most of what you need and know exactly what to look up before you start, and as this knowledge is pretty basic you can find most of it for free!
Other Details* Sales Page: Included, HTML
* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 29
* Included Graphics: Ecovers, PSD
* Extras: Book Preview
* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 6
* Extras: 5 Part Autoresponder Email Message Series
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* Download File Size: 15,952 KB