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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – What Is Your “Why”?…………8
Choose A Feasible Goal…10
Specify Your Goal………………12
Visualize Your Goal…………..13
Visualize The Process……..14
Chapter 2 – Self-Accountability and Making Yourself Accountable To
Accountability To Others…21
Chapter 3 – Building Good Habits Lead To Good Self-Discipline………..23
Good vs Bad Habits…………..24
The Morning Ritual Habit..28
Chapter 4 – Removing Obstacles to Disciplining Yourself31
The Common Obstacles You Must Fight Against33
Chapter 5 – Taking Care of Your Body Is Necessary To Build Self-
Eat Healthy…….39
Exercise Regularly……………..40
Get A Good Night’s Sleep………………………41
Avoid Getting Stressed Out……………………42
Chapter 6 – Stress and Self-Discipline…………………..44
Good Stress vs Bad Stress……………………45
The Role Of Self-Discipline In Managing Stress..47
Chapter 7 – Why You Need To Set Boundaries and Start Saying “No”
Setting Boundaries For Yourself…………51
Saying “No” Is A Shortcut To Your Success…………52
Put Yourself Above Others…………………….54
Chapter 8 – Your Fears and How You Self-Sabotage Your Self-
Discipline Efforts………………….56
Conquering Your Fear Of Failure……….57
Overcoming Your Fear Of Success…..59
Stop Sabotaging Yourself61
Chapter 9 – Standing Firm and Staying Committed To Your Goal………63
The Power Of Perseverance…………………64
Staying Committed To Your Goal………66
Chapter 10 – Rewarding Self-Discipline………………..68
A Fitting Reward………………….69
Delaying Gratification……….72
Sample Content Preview
Chapter 1 – What Is Your “Why”?
It’s very easy to say you’re going to accomplish something, anything, in the next 12 months. You can say you’re going to be 20 pounds lighter or you’ll be living in Europe after a year or you can even say you’re going to find the love of your life soon and tie the knot in the next 12 months!
You can do a lot of things, be in a lot of places and meet loads of new people in under a year. You have an infinite number of possible goals you can choose to achieve.
Your chosen goal could be in response to a dare from your friends or maybe a personal challenge you want to take on. No matter the reason behind your sudden desire to succeed at something new, you need one very important skill to achieve that goal.
Can you guess what that skill is? It’s self-discipline, of course.
Committing to a long-term goal is the beginning of your selfdiscipline journey. Once you’ve done a mental handshake with yourself or signed on an imaginary dotted line confirming your commitment to a specific goal, then your self-discipline should kick into high gear.
You need to lock yourself in and buckle up so you don’t get left behind in the marathon to reach your goal. You need the stamina and the strength to surpass and overcome all obstacles in order to meet your goal.
Choose A Feasible Goal
Before you can begin, you need to know the answer to the question, “What is your why?”
What do you hope to achieve with your goal? What’s your end game?
If you don’t know the answer to this question, you need to seriously rethink your goal.
Is it even feasible? Is it something you can possibly hope to do within the timeframe you’ve specified? If you’ve assessed your goal properly and you’ve done the mental gymnastics to confirm it is indeed feasible for you, then congratulations. You’ve done a great job with the first step!
If you think you made a mistake setting the goal and you don’t think it’s feasible at all, you’re welcome to back out or cross it out of your list and replace it with a more realistic goal. There’s no need to push yourself into doing something that’s highly improbable or even impossible for you to achieve.
Some people may say nothing is impossible. But I beg to disagree. We are not created equal. We all know for a fact that some people have more financial resources than others. Some are just naturally athletic. Some will always be better looking than the people around them. Others still are just really blessed to not have to work hard for something that other people need to work their backsides off for! They are the lucky ones, the exceptions to the rule. They’ve been given a natural head start whether they like it or not (though I’m pretty sure they like it just fine!).
Specify Your Goal
Now that you know your goal is realistic and can be done within your specified timeframe, you need to ask yourself if your goal is specific enough.
Some goals are just too general, like for example, wanting to be rich or wanting to be thin in 6 months. These are just generic goals. Anyone can work towards these goals but what does it really mean for you?
To make sure your goal sticks in your mind, to make it appear real, you need to make your goal as specific as possible.
Don’t just say you want to lose weight. For women, you can say something along these lines (if you’re a guy, simply skip to the next example below):
“I’ll do whatever it takes to lose 10 pounds by December so I can wear that hot, red dress I saw today at the shopping mall. My belly won’t sag and I’ll look perfect in that dress. I’ll have my hair made up in a beehive because that’s the kind of hairdo that would look great with that dress. Oh, and I’ll wear my black stiletto too and my feet won’t hurt like it does now because I’d lose all the excess weight!”
Be honest, when you read that paragraph it painted a pretty picture on your mind, didn’t it? And you can see yourself wearing that red dress!
For the guys reading this eBook, your specific goal can be something like this:
“I’ll lose the flab around my belly in 8 months. I’ll exercise every day. I’ll lift weights, do plenty of cardio, and box with somebody in the gym. In 8 months, my girlfriend/wife will be proud of me, I’ll be proud of myself, and we can go to the beach and people will marvel at my well-sculpted body”.
The examples I’ve given above sounds so much better than just saying the generic, “I want to lose weight.” A generic goal is not going to drive you to change your habits but a highly specific goal will be.
Visualize Your Goal
At this point, you now know your goal is feasible and specific enough. To make it come to life, you need to visualize your goal. Yes, in the previous section, you saw the goal come to life in your mind’s eye but in this section, you need to make the vision tangible.
You need to put your goal on paper. You need to transfer the vision you saw in your mind to paper. You can look for highquality photos of your goal. Say, for example, if your goal is to move into your dream house with a red roof and a blue fence within 5 years, you can look for images online of houses with similar characteristics.
If you can’t find a suitable image online, consider having it drawn or painted professionally. Ask the artist to make your vision as realistic as possible. When we say realistic, make it so that you can imagine feeling and even smelling your dream house just by looking at its drawing or painting.
Then, to never lose sight of your goal, make sure you put the printout/drawing/painting in an area of your house which you frequent such as your bedroom or your home office. Maybe even the kitchen. Basically anywhere you can see your ‘dream house’ so you’re always reminded of what you’re aiming to achieve in the near future.
Other Details- 10 Articles (TXT)
- 1 Ebook (PDF), 77 Pages
- 15 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- Checklist, Resource Cheat Sheet, Mindmap, Optin Page, Social Media Images, Email Swipes
- Year Released/Circulated: 2022
- File Size: 23,119 KB
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