Salespage Snapshot

Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
Email Marketing Basics For Net work Marketing
Chapter 2:
Getting Subscribers
Chapter 3:
Reducing Unsubscribes
Chapter 4:
Using Transactional Emails
Chapter 5:
Using Triggers In The Email
Chapter 6:
Testing Different Variations Of Your Email
Chapter 7:
Use Analytics To Separate Buyers From Non Buyers
Use Loyalty Programs
Chapter 9:
Determine The Correct Frequency To Send Emails
Wrapping Up
Sample Content Preview
Chapter 2:
Getting Subscribers
Having a substantial email list is very important to the success of any internet business venture. This is more so because most of the customer base begins through this portal. There all measures should be taken to ensure the subscribers list is long and beneficial to both parties.
Sign Ups
There are a few points that should be considered in the quest to garner as many subscribers as possible. Some of which are as follows:
Designing the forms, responses and other interactive tools to be as visible as possible and easily accessible is very important. Providing incentive for potential signups will encourage the viewer to be more inclined to do so. Also providing interesting links that the viewer may find useful will eventually lead to the viewer signing up to gain access.
Being constantly aware of what is being offered and how it’s being offered will also allow the host to stay abreast and relevant which in turn will attract more subscribers. Material posted should be kept updated periodically as potential subscribers will be drawn to the site more often if this feature is diligently monitored.
In order to be able to constantly attract the attention needed to ensure a good percentage of subscribers there are several complimenting tools that can be used such as through blogs, forum postings, other lists, networking and many more.
The blogs should provide good and interesting information which should include some form of participation from the viewer to encourage a signup.
Forum posting are also another platform to explore as those who visit such sites already have a pre existing interest in the subject matter.
Therefore including links that direct them back to one’s site will be advantages in converting them into subscribers. Forwarded emails are also an excellent source of garnering potential subscribers as it gives a glimpse into the individual’s site.
Chapter 3:
Reducing Unsubscribes
Most people become tagged as unsubscribers because of the initial bombardment of emails that cause them to be unresponsive. This unresponsiveness can be due to a variety of reasons but the most common one would be simply being fed up with unwanted solicitation or thinly veiled sales pitches. Therefore in order to limit the situation one should be weary of causing potential respondents from being unresponsive.
Get Them To Stay
Here are some ways to adopt to limit the unsubscribers:
– Keep all emails on the topic promised. If there is a need to insert other material keeping it brief would be prudent. The visitor is probably only visiting the site for specific reasons and does not want to be deluged with other non related issues.
– Using the personalized address system in the auto responder will create the illusion of making the individual feel special and respected. The use of names is a good tool to exploit and cannot be overdone or over emphasized.
– Limiting the amount of emails sent in a week to about two or three would be ideal. Too many emails with the same content would not only become a nuisance to the receiver but the information would be redundant too. Too many emails will overwhelm the receiver and thus eventually cause them to be unresponsive. Allowing the customers to choose the frequency of emails sent to them will also encourage better relationships. The customer perceives the sender to be professional and committed.
– Avoid hard selling at the onset of the email exchange. Directing the subscriber to the website where an informative and in-depth presentation can be viewed will allow the viewer to feel more comfortable and convinced to sign on. The website material should be designed to sufficiently “sell” the featured items. However it should be noted that keeping a longer period between emails sent is also not encouraged as the idea is to keep the website relevant to the subscriber.
Chapter 4:
Using Transactional Emails
Emails are ideally supposed to keep the relationship between sender and receiver fresh and relevant al all times. Therefore care should be taken not to embellish this rather delicate relationship.
The Balance
In order to use transactional emails to its optimum benefit, some of the following points should be considered:
Personalized greeting is always a sure winner. Generally people are happy to be considered special thus addressing the emails accordingly, successfully gives this impression.
This is especially so when the element of exchange of money and goods are involved.
Including as much detail as possible without being too boring is also another feature that should be noted in the transactional email style. Callously thanking the sender for a positive response will not be sufficient.
Depicting the details will ensure both parties are in agreement with what is to transpire and it also helps to avoid future misunderstandings and problems.
Always ensure the customer support contact details are clearly displayed such as toll free phone numbers, mailing addresses, links to online contacts and any other relevant information the customer may need.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF), 31 Pages
- 2 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2017
- File Size: 2,399 KB
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