Salespage Snapshot

Table of Contents
Introduction 04
Chapter 1: What Social Media Marketing is and What it Isn’t 14
Chapter 2: 8 Reasons Why You Need to Do Social Media Marketing 20
Chapter 3: You Need to Modify Your Social Media Marketing Campaign Based on Your Online Business Type 31
Chapter 4: The Classic Way to Do Social Media Marketing and Why it is a Waste of Your Time 37
Chapter 5: 10 Steps to Faster and Easier Modern Social Media Marketing 43
Chapter 6: How to Do Niche Research and Targeting the Right Way 46
Chapter 7: Content Curation: Your secret Social Media Marketing Weapon 51
Chapter 8: Reverse Engineer Your Competitors’ Top Content 58
Chapter 9: Fine Tune Your Payload Content 64
Chapter 10: Market Your List Right 70
Chapter 11: Unlock the Power of Repurposed Content 79
Chapter 12: Use Automatic Content Sharing 83
Chapter 13: Scale Up Your Targeting 88
Chapter 14: Sell to Your List Differently 93
Chapter 15: Reinvest Your Profits the Right Way 103
Conclusion 110
Sample Content Preview
People have to be comfortable enough. Your content has to become familiar enough for them to click on it.
When audience members click on the content you share through your social media accounts, they get a chance to like your page, follow your Twitter feed, pin your posts, or subscribe to your YouTube channel. They still stay on the platform, but they get a chance to subscribe to your account or follow you.
This is the second stage of the social media funnel or inverted pyramid. You have to develop some sort of in-platform credibility. Your content is not just this random material that came out of nowhere. Even if people don’t click on it, they see enough similarity in terms of branding, graphics, as well as other content cues so that your brand stands apart from everybody else’s.
Again, they may not necessarily be motivated to click, but with enough repetition through social media channels targeting certain topic categories and hashtags, your brand doesn’t remain an unknown quantity.
Once you have people checking your content out through your social media accounts, you can then send them “call to action” content (CTA). This content recruits people to your mailing list. This social content that you’re sharing offers some sort of incentive.
Maybe you’re giving away a free booklet, maybe you’re giving away software—whatever the case may be, there is some sort of giveaway to incentivize people to click on that link, enter their email address, and join your mailing list.
Whether you use freebies, special content, special free tickets to an online webinar that’s pre-recorded, it doesn’t really matter. Whatever the case may be, the endgame is to get people to join your list.
The Endgame?
When you look at the funnel, the endgame is to get people to that narrow end of the funnel. At that end, you’re not necessarily getting them to click on an ad to buy something. You’re doing something far more valuable.
Instead, you’re calling them to action so they join your list. You are converting your social media reach, meaning, the top end of the funnel, to list membership, which is at the very narrow point at the bottom of the inverted pyramid.
This is where the magic happens. Once people join your list because you have successfully incentivized them to enter their email on your squeeze page, you get a tremendous opportunity to build a long term sales relationship.
That’s really the best way to describe it because when people give you their email addresses, what they’re really telling you is that they trust you enough to want to have a business relationship with you.
This means you should not abuse that relationship. You should not send them garbage. You should not send them spam. And by spam, I’m talking about material that is not related to the topic of your list.
Stay on message. Because if you are able to do this, you would have a tremendous opportunity to shape the conversation and continue to sell and convert your list, not just once, not just twice, but over the long haul.
There are many successful list marketers who make seven figures every single year, and all they have is a mailing list. It all depends on how you build that list, who is on that list, and what you are selling on that list.
Regardless of how you cut it, you can turn what would otherwise be a huge amount of social media reach into a loyal list. This is the secret to effective social media marketing.
You probably haven’t heard this before. I would not be surprised because the vast majority of social media marketing books out there try to trick you into thinking that you just need to harvest all this traffic from social media so people can click like monkeys on the ads on your website.
Maybe that worked when Facebook 1st launched nationally. It definitely doesn’t work today. Sadly, this is where too many marketers fail. They screw this up.
Now that you know the secret, here’s some bad news. This is precisely the point where too many marketers screw up. When they’re sending social media content, they promote their squeeze page directly. Although the squeeze page gives away freebies and incentivizes people to sign up, this is too much too soon.
And, not surprisingly, a lot of these marketers burn through a lot of exposure just to get people to their list. Worse yet, when these people join their mailing list, they’re completely unprepared. They don’t know what to expect, they’re not properly conditioned, a lot of them are not even fully qualified to become list members.
So what do they do? They end up doing a whole lot of nothing. This is actually the worst kind of list member.
It’s much better to just have a very tiny list because if you have a huge list and almost everybody doesn’t do anything to put money in your pockets, you’re going to be paying for those list squatters month after month.
Alternatively, you might attract list bouncers. These are people who join your list just to get whatever premium you’re offering, download it, and then promptly unsubscribe. They have effectively bounced from your list.
Effective Social Media Marketing
Effective social media marketing means using your social media traffic and highly effective content shared on social media to build successful relationships. Your email list is going to be the platform you will use to convert the relationships made possible through all that social media traffic.
Other Details- 20 Articles (TXT, DOC)
- 1 Ebook (PDF), 99 Pages
- 10 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- Promotional Ad Material (Emails, Banners)
- Resource Report, Cheat Sheet, Mindmap, Social Media Images, Legal Page, Sales Video
- Year Released/Circulated: 2018
- File Size: 47,773 KB
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