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Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
Leave A Legacy – Aaron and Jeoffrey
Chapter 2:
Heal The World – Michael Jackson
Chapter 3:
Can’t Take That Away – Mariah Carey
Chapter 4:
Imagine – John Lennon
Chapter 5:
I Believe I Can Fly – R Kelly
Chapter 6:
Jesus, Take The Wheel – Carrie Underwood
Chapter 7:
Wind Beneath My Wings- Bette Midler
Chapter 8:
We Are the Champions – Queen
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“Heal the World” is a song from Michael Jackson’s hit album, Dangerous, released in ‘91.
Help Others
The music video features children living in countries suffering from unrest especially Burundi. It is also one of only a handful of Michael Jackson’s videos not to show Jackson himself.
In a 2001 Internet chat with admirers, Jackson said “Heal the World” is the song he is most proud to have created. He also created the Heal the World Foundation, a charitable organization which was designed to improve the lives of children. The organization was also meant to teach children how to help others.
The song is inspirational as it speaks to keeping a place in your heart for love for other people and helping to heal other people as well. The song was brought to fruition through Heal the World Foundation.
It was a charitable organization established by entertainer Michael Jackson in ’92. The foundation’s origination was prompted by the song of the same name. The aim of the charity was to supply medication to youngsters and battle world starvation, people being homeless, child victimization and abuse. Jackson said that he wished “to improve the conditions for children throughout the world”.
The foundation in addition to all the things above brought underprivileged youngsters to Jackson’s Neverland Ranch, which was located outside Santa Ynez, CA, to take a turn on theme park rides that the entertainer had constructed on the property after he bought it in ’88.
With this foundation, Michael Jackson airlifted forty-six tons of provisions to Sarajevo, established drug and alcohol abuse training and donated 1000000s of dollars to deprived youngsters, including the entire payment of a Hungarian youngster’s liver transplant.
As the adage goes, “charity begins at home.” Make certain that your immediate loved ones have the first claim on your time and resources. After that, assist any acquaintances in need and you’ll help the world close by.
A lot of youngsters both at home and abroad are in need of more beneficial care, including medical and dental care, apparel, training, and better nutrition. If assisting youngsters is a priority for you there are a lot of opportunities to get involved by donating time or revenue. If you assist youngsters, you assist the world and its future.
A lot of individuals are poor through no blame of their own and require help. Whether they’re individuals in your own community or in a growing country, the chance to assist the world by giving to the poor forever seems to be available. Natural disasters and states of war alone deprive many thousands of families yearly.
Whether they’re your own relatives or acquaintances, or are those who are alone in the cosmos, the sick need consoling and encouragement. A beneficial way to assist the world is to commit some of your time to visiting the ill.
Few matters are more deplorable than abused youngsters. Mistreated women are a close 2nd in their need for understanding and assistance. If you’re in a position to assist abused youngsters or women then you’ll help the world by correcting abominable wrongs.
One may hardly savor life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness when illiterate. You are able to assist those who can’t read or write but would like to learn, either by donating time or by supporting worthwhile plans in your community. This is a capital way to assist the world.
Many of us have discovered over the years the worldwide need to engage in behaviors that assist our common surroundings. Fresh air, clean water, and decreases in waste benefit everybody. You are able to help by going green both at home and work. You’ll be likely to save income, also.
The video that will completely touch your heart and fill your soul can be found here:
“Can’t Take That Away (Mariah’s Theme)” is a song authored by American singer Mariah Carey and Diane Warren.
Be Brave
The song is inspirational as it speaks to the battles of dealing with individuals who put you down, and how to defeat these battles through faith, courage, and the power of God. Carey explains in the song’s lyrics how while individuals can attempt to make her feel down and blue, regardless what happens, she can not let them win: “There’s a light in me that shines brightly. They can try but they can’t take that away from me.”
2 music videos were made for “Can’t Take That Away,” both orchestrated by Sanaa Hamri. The production of the video called for some of Carey’s fans to take part. She called for them to participate via her site and asked them to send in video clips of themselves, stating the adversities in their lives and how “Can’t Take That Away” had urged them on and inspired.
A competition was held, and video clips from 5 fans were selected for inclusion in the video recording. The clips were featured in the video’s intro, where Carey responds to her fan’s struggles which included personal insecurities, the troubles of being part of a racial or social minority, and being goldbricked by verbal harassment.
Have faith in yourself to succeed. Take a chance and know that you have your smarts, instinct and natural endowment on your side. Plus, your acquaintances and loved ones are there for you. Use your courage. It may be compared to a muscle. The more we utilize it, the stronger bravery gets.
Accept accountability for failure. This takes bravery and shows that you’re a real leader. Understand that quitting isn’t an option. It takes bravery to endure. It’s much easier to quit. Being relentless despite disheartenment takes great courage. Battle to overcome your fear. Brave individuals might still be afraid, but the difference is that they subdue their fear. They do not let it hold them back. Rather, they use it as a reminder of what they may lose if they don’t endure.
Follow up on your ideas. It takes bravery to put your trust in yourself. The worst conclusion you can make is to do nothing. Take chances and know that you are able to succeed.
Get courage by studying inspiring stories of brave individuals.
You can hear the inspirational message of this song here:
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