Salespage Snapshot

Table Of Contents
Introduction to Body Building
History of Body Building
Basics of Building Muscle
Body Building Facilities
Building A Home Gym
Body Building Routine
Diet and Body Building + Recipes
Dietary Supplements
What About Steroids?
Body Builder Beware
Charting Your BMI
Body Building Tips
Ebook Sample Content Preview
This book is an exploration. We will explore the fascinating history of body building, which can be traced as far back as the 11th Century, up to the 19th Century when it arrived on the North American scene.
We will explore how to build your body and muscles, body building and weight lifting equipment, the “right” and the “dark” side of dietary supplements as well as the importance of proper nutrition for the serious body builder.
No discussion of body and muscle building would be complete without covering consumer health fraud. Bogus claims and promises of unrealistic results have been around for decades. The explosion of marketing on the internet has, unfortunately, created an exponential increase in unsavory providers ready and willing to bilk unsuspecting consumers.
Muscle Mania will explore package labeling and what you should know about before you buy. The content we cover presents a broad outline rather than substantive personal recommendations. Nothing within should be construed as anything more than educational and should never replace medical advice from a professional physician.
Other Details* Sales Page: Included, HTML, MS Word Doc
* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 38
* Download File Size: 145 KB