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Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Numerology Basics
Chapter 3: Where Did Numerology Come From?
Chapter 4: Your Birth (or Destiny) Number
Chapter 5: Name (or Expression) Number
Chapter 6: Breaking Down the Expression Number Further
Chapter 7: Does Your Love Life Add Up?
Chapter 8: What Is A Diet Of Number Vibrations
Chapter 9: Possible Connection With Bones in the Human Spinal Column
Wrapping Up
The Astrology of Numerology
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Chapter 6:
Breaking Down the Expression Number Further
Expression numbers show the personality and ability of one person. This may also reveal one’s talents and shortcomings that may enter his/her life. The numbers associated with your name reveals your development while you are working out some issues and making the most of your talents.
For those who believe in reincarnation, numerology may also work that way. Your full name’s vibration is seen in the totality of your development which may include experiences, wisdom you accumulated, and talents.
Every experience, whether big or small can influence your life. The expression is not a prediction or something that you may use in the future, but it is a way on how to know your personality and ability. With the use of expression number, you will understand your personality and nature.
Importance of Expression Number
Expression number may just be a piece of advice or something. But, what they don’t know is that, this might help them develop their skills and talents in the future. The meanings of these numbers can also be the best way to get rid of your weakness and to balance it with your strength.
If you don’t know how to calculate your expression, try knowing the corresponding numbers of your name. Then, add them. Whatever the outcome is, that is your personality or talent. Some say that expression numbers are just coincidence. However, according to numerologists, the birth name of a person is not a coincidence, but it is meant for them. So, this means that the calculations and your name have nothing to do with your expression number.
If you can’t still figure out on how to calculate, then seek for a good source of information. You may conduct online research or use some magazines that revolve around expression number. Or, if you know a numerologist, you may ask him or her for some help. It is because numerologists know different things about numbers and they can guide you when making decisions.
Chapter 7:
Does Your Love Life Add Up?
Your name and birth date play an important factor in numerology, but does your love life add up? The answer is simple and it may depend on your experiences in life, especially in love aspects. Each number in numerology has its own meaning and its scope does not just end on your career or future life. It may also include your love life.
Adding Love Life to Numerology
However, not all people pay importance on their love life because they are too excited to know their future career.
More often than not, people are concerned on how they can become successful and rich like other famous personalities in the industries.
For some people, love and romance is an interesting aspect in their life. In numerology, adding love is not crucial. In fact, your birth number and expression number may tell about your love life.
There are no boundaries in numerology as long as you are talking about numbers and you want to know something about your personality based from your past or experiences. Numerology will give you answers. Just be open about the possible answers for you to avoid any frustrations.
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