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Table Of Contents
Network Marketing 101
Pros vs. Joes in Networking Marketing…………………………5
Are You An Average Network Marketer?……………………………………….5
Differentiating The Best From The Rest…………………………………6
Making Network Marketing A Habit………………………………………7
Superb Salesmanship…………………………………………….7
Helping Other People…………………………………………………….8
You Are Who You Are Around……………………………….8
Networking Building is Relationship Building
Charismatic Leaders…………………….………10
Thinking Outside of The Box……………………….…….11
Tools And Tactics For Network Marketing
Perfect Products Build Perfect Up lines………………………12
Selling Product The Right Way…………………………..……13
A Numbers Game……………………………13
“Go” Time
Perfecting Phone Calls and Presentations……………………14
The First Call…………………………..15
Recruiting Like The Pros………………16
Build Your Business Even Bigger
Lead By Example………………………….17
Maximize The Best and Minimize The Rest……………………………….18
Motivation For You And Your Team……………………….18
Pay Attention To Your Leader………………………………19
Really Getting Into Network Marketing
Network Marketing Mistakes………………………21
The Networking Marketing Lifestyle………………………………23
Meeting and Beating Your Marketing Goals…………………23
In Closing
What you should have got………………………………..25
Ebook Sample Content Preview
Thank you for your interest in Networking Marketing and for reading ‘Next Generation Network Marketing’. This manual was created in order to help anyone serious about Network Marketing go to the next level.
During your reading you’ll find that is not that difficult to become a major player and make big money. Often in life, the biggest goals are the easiest to complete. It’s no different with networking marketing. Just so we are on the same page about what you’ll find out in this publication here is a quick rundown in no particular order:
• Why the people you are around can make or break your Network Marketing career
• How to explode your Networking Marketing business just like the Pros
• The reason a simple mindset can make you reach even your biggest goals
• A personal trait that every big time Marketer has and that you can learn
• That being shy can be your best friend with Network Marketing
• How to be #1 while still keeping your inner circle strong
• What the major players do that you don’t and how to do what they do
• Having your downline expand quicker than you could ever imagine
• The new habits you’re going to have to pick up in order to go hard
As you can see this isn’t what the “gurus” are going to show you. I don’t consider myself a guru. Just an expert, as others do too. Take it from me, most people aren’t going to give you the truth. This is the cold hard truth about Network Marketing. Well, without any further a due lets get down to business with Network Marketing.
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