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{It’s not like there aren’t enough banks in the United States to contain all your money, it’s just that there are times you might need funds elsewhere in a hurry, and litigation might get in your way. And that is what offshore banking is all about: having money in places where it is useful to you.|You go to offshore banking because you want to do some transactions that might have taken time to do otherwise. Not talking about money laundering; merely about having your funds within reach without a lot of red tape to deal with.|There are loads of banks outside the country that you can use to meet your offshore banking interests. Some of them are the very best in the Caymans, and the Caribbean, and in various parts of the world that you might have business interests in. You could look around for any that have just the kind of services you are looking for. That would be a great idea.}
{Sincerely speaking, and not to sound unpatriotic and all, too much money in your accounts in the United States can bring the IRS hot on your tail. And when you want to do business in faraway lands, you could have trouble reaching it. That’s why people turn to offshore banking for help. Perhaps you could too.|You don’t have to have millions in your account; as long as you bank outside the borders of the United States of America, you are into offshore banking. So hey, you are a big person already; and you don’t even own a fortune 500 company…}
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