Overcoming Shyness Personal Use Ebook With Audio

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Table of Contents

5 Steps to Overcoming Shyness 4
10 Techniques to Move from Shy to Self-Confident 6
Am I Shy or Just an Introvert? 8
Cure Shyness Once and For All with Hypnotherapy 10
Four Ways to Stop Shyness from Holding You Back from Life 12

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Start with the least stressful things on your list until you’re accustomed to facing these situations. By getting in some practice, you’re going to notice how good it feels to accomplish this task. Once you’re more comfortable with the process, you’ll have a better chance to conquer the larger, more intimidating items.

Facing your fears makes them smaller and less frightening. You can do this. Just give yourself the chance.

10 Techniques to Move from Shy to Self-Confident

Shyness can be debilitating, especially in a work environment. It can also be over-come, but it takes some time and effort. Consulting with a therapist might be indi-cated if the shyness is extreme, as it could be a sign of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD).

There are steps to reducing shyness. Practice these steps every day, and the shy-ness will begin to dwindle and even dissipate.

1. You may think that you radiate shyness, that it’s written all over your face, but you’d be wrong. Most won’t realize you’re shy if you don’t mention it. Not that it’s anything to be ashamed of, just don’t mention it.

2. Keep it light. Yes, shyness can be crippling and severe, but if you’re ques-tioned, laugh it off or treat it as no big deal. Others take their cues from you. If you’re not concerned, they won’t be either.

3. Does shyness have secondary symptoms such as blushing, nervousness, short-ness of breath? Admit to the obvious but separate that from being shy. “I’ve always been a bit nervous in new situations. This is just normal for me.”

4. Let yourself shine through Avoid the well-meaning person who introduces you to others as “shy” or “quiet,” Don’t rely on labels, let yourself be you. You are more than a single trait.

5. Calm the voice in your head that kicks you when you’re down. We all make mistakes, and we all occasionally act the fool. That’s ok to do once in a while, but don’t let that voice in your head hold you back.

6. Write down what’s the best and brightest about you. Get someone to help. In-telligence, creativity, easy-going manner – all of these are positive traits. Write them down and when that voice tries to drag you down again, go over them. Remind yourself how great you are.

7. Take a good look at how you feel around your friends. Are you positive and en-ergized or do you question yourself when you’re with them? Be honest. You cannot grow if you are surrounded by people who constantly tell you how in-adequate you are.

8. Avoid the bullies. There will ever be those who would bully you, would drag you down. These are relatives, coworkers, toxic relationships that convince you how far you are from perfection.

9. Look at others, the ones that seem bold and self-confident. What do they do, how do they react? What can you do differently? Emulate the best of their be-haviors.

10. Forgive yourself. You’ll make mistakes; you’ll fall on your face. That’s how things are. Don’t let one mistake derail your efforts.

These are basic beginning steps to help pull you out of the shyness spiral. Keep in mind; you may want to talk to a behavioral health specialist for the bigger issues.

Am I Shy or Just an Introvert?

Some people are shy, while others are described as introverts. Is there a differ-ence?

Yes, there is, and those differences are important if you want to change. Working with shyness is very different than working with someone who’s introverted.

But does it matter? Is it a bad thing to be shy or introverted?

If you’re happy with where you are in life, then there’s no motivation or even rea-son to change. But if you want to work on your social and professional relation-ships, if you want to interact and talk to people with confidence, then it’s proba-bly time to do something about it. And to do that, it’s important to know the what it means to be shy vs. what it is to be an introvert. How do you find out? First, ask yourself a couple of questions.

1. Where does your energy come from? The primary difference is largely a mat-ter of energy. An introvert is physically and emotionally drained after being in a crowd. An introvert gains energy by being isolated, reading a book, or watching TV. For the record, extroverts are just the opposite.

Being an introvert doesn’t mean you’re completely against attending the occa-sional party, it just indicates that you recharge better alone.

Shy people? They lose energy everywhere.

2. What kind of friendships do you enjoy most? There are benefits to being an in-trovert. Introverts are experts in detail-oriented work; they tend to be more open to self-analysis. But it’s the friendships that matter most. While introverts gener-ally have fewer friends, the ones they do have are dearer to them than anything. Shy people tend to have very few friendships at all – meaningful or otherwise.

3. What kind of conversation do you prefer? Introverts are typically bad at small talk, but a deeply meaningful conversation is right up their alley. Someone who’s shy isn’t going to be able to manage either.

So what if you are an introvert? Does that mean you can change? The short and quick answer is: you can’t. It’s the way you were born. On the other hand, that doesn’t mean there isn’t hope.

Other Details

- 10 Articles (PDF)
- 1 Ebook (PDF), 24 Pages
- 10 Audios (MP3)
- Posters
- Year Released/Circulated: 2018
- File Size: 99,862 KB

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