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Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Memories are Not Infallible
Chapter 3: Fatalism is Not the Correct Approach
Chapter 4: The Law of Cause and Effect, Karma
Chapter 5: Lords of Karma
Chapter 6: The Degree Of Reincarnation Leads to Self-Mastery
Chapter 7: The Best Method for Resolving Karma
Chapter 8: Right Relationships End the Karmic Cycle
Chapter 9: Is Misfortune Always Retribution For Past Lives
Wrapping Up: The Dangers Of Knowing Your Past Lives
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Chapter 8:
Right Relationships End the Karmic Cycle
Findings strongly affirm the theories behind karma and reincarnation and they will continue to be deemed as viable explanations to life’s most complex mysteries. Another notion related to the reincarnation theory is one that states that there are no accidents or coincidences in life and that everyone is born into the pre-existing conditions of innate inclinations and abilities that they have earned during the lifetimes.
The Relationship between Soul Mates and Karma
A lot of people are curious as to whether their current partner is indeed their soul mate. Some even seek insight on the matter unable to understand that the concept of soul mates comes in many forms such as whether or not your partner is incredibly romantic, financially rewarding, hardworking, pleasure oriented, the challenging type who motivates personal growth, or the toxic one who has a lot of negative karma.
A lot of people have been on the receiving end of challenging relationships with some being glad that the relationship ended hoping that they never meet their ex ever again. It is unfortunate that there is a high probability if running into people you may not be fond of including business associates, a former lover or former acquaintances just because the connection from your previous encounter may not have fully dissolved with regards to your karmic dance in your lifetimes.
Forgive and Release
The inability to let go of negative emotions or feelings for the individual is just one of the ways you that you may be magnetizing the soul of that person towards you from a future existence. In as much as it natural for you to feel anger, resentment, intolerance, or other negative human emotions, it is important that you eventually forgive and accept the turn of events prior to your death, otherwise, you may
find yourself learning the same lesson in another lifetime in the future.
Forgiving and learning to let go is not an easy process; it helps you to look at the bigger picture, realizing that there is a lesson to be learnt after going through very trying times allowing you to understand other people’s perspectives and flaws, being grateful that you are strong enough to go beyond the hurt or pain inflicted on you. Looking at the situation from a spiritual, rather, a religious perspective may help you find the peace you so desperately need.
Peaceful Endings Terminate Karma
If relationships end peacefully with total lack of animosity, most especially on your end and granting true forgiveness does end karma and shows that you have the potential of having a harmonious relationship with them in the next lifetime should your souls happen to cross paths once again. It is very likely that your most rewarding and closest friendships and other relationships in this lifetime may have been the complete opposite of what they were lifetimes ago.
Very strong feelings, both positive and negative, can be compared to invisible cords which bind souls together increasing the likelihood of future encounters in other lifetimes. It is not easy for a person to detach themselves from karmic debt, especially when it involves interpersonal relationships, but once an individual succeeds in doing so, they are able to reach greater heights of personal growth not only on a spiritual level, but on a soul level as well.
Chapter 9:
Is Misfortune Always Retribution For Past Lives
Understanding the Concept of Karma and How it is Related With Reincarnation
Many philosophers, idealists and laymen say that the things that happen in the lives of people happen for a particular reason not known to man. To some extent, this popular belief is true but as expressed, there can be no logical reason to point out that said happening has a purpose that can be understood by humans.
A group of certain people from different continents believe that the lives of the elders somehow affect the lives of their offspring. In addition, they believe that everyone has a past life and that it likewise affects the misfortunes as well as the good fortunes in their present lives. To clear the clouds that hover over your minds, here are some questions that are answered briefly to somehow explain the belief of many.
If there really is a “God”, why are there misfortunes and evil?
The answer to this controversial question is indefinite because there are so many reasons that can explain why there is and there is no God. If you try to look at it from a Christian’s point of view, it is said that such a question can never be explained because the basis of their belief of the existence of an “Almighty God” is plainly based on faith. Now you can never question this because it is their way of life and it is what they saw when they were brought into this world.
On the other hand, if you take this question from the point of view of Buddhists, Pagans and etc, it is but safe to say that they believe otherwise. Others would even say that people have lived since time immemorial but with different lives. Though it cannot be denied that 99% of people believe that people have limited time on earth, it cannot be denied that some believe a life lost is a life gained for another.
If you believe in reincarnation, is the past life determinative of the new life that you are given today?
This is a question that has likewise earned popularity due to the debates and discourses that it brought to the world. Surely people with different religions will have various reasons and explanations as
regards this question. However, there are many who believe that Karma is all about retribution – Karma by the way is intertwined with the belief of reincarnation.
Karma is never about retribution because the point that it tries to convey to people is the effect of a single or a series of acts. It does not always revolve around the evil world because if one does good deeds, good things will follow. This is quite true in a sense because this is likewise practiced by most Christians – with more good deeds, God shall shower you with blessings. So it would be but logical to say that the past lives of people are determinative with the new life they are living.
In addition to the foregoing, this is in line with the belief of most people because with good deeds, sufferings and misfortunes will be miles away from your life. Meaning, if you continuously do good in your life, you will always be blessed and be far from getting bad luck but if you do otherwise then bad luck and sufferings will always be on your tail.
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