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Since hormones play a very important role in the body, it is important that they stay within a normal range. Women, in particular, experience hormonal changes more often compared to their male counterparts. Premarin is a useful drug that can help replace hormones if these are not produced properly. Find out about the indications, source and side effects.
About Premarin
Premarin is the brand name of the drug of the compound drug that primarily consists of conjugated estrogens. It is isolated from mare’s urine or pregnant mare’s urine, giving it its name. The product is made by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals and is available in IV, oral and topical form. Estrone, equilin and equilenin are the major forms of estrogen in the drug. These estrogens are usually referred to as CEE or conjugated equine estrogens, since the estrogen molecules are found with hydrophilic side-groups connected like sulfate.
The major molecule in Premarin is estrone sulfate. It is easily absorbed in the blood after women take the pills. The estrone sulfate is changed into estradiol, which is an active estrogen found in most women. It is not yet certain whether equilin and other estrogens considered foreign to the human body have effects that are highly different compared to human body estrogens such as estradiol.
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* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 64
* Included Graphics: Ecovers, PSD
* Download File Size: 1,190 KB