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Table of Contents
Introduction …………………………………………… 4
Chapter 1 – Overcome Doubt And Negative Thinking Now …………………………. 7
Chapter 2 – The Power Of Positive Thinking ……………………………………. 14
Chapter 3 – Powerful Habits Which Lead To Positive Thinking……………. 24
Chapter 4 – Self-Belief And Self-Confidence Can Help You Become A More Positive Person ……………. 31
Chapter 5 – Surround Yourself With Positive People ………………………………….. 37
Chapter 6 – A Little Humor Goes A Long Way ………………………………………………….. 44
Chapter 7 – The Health Benefits Of Positive Thinking ………………………………… 51
Chapter 8 – Strive For Excellence, Not Perfection …………………………………………. 56
Chapter 9 – Visualization And Its Role In Your Success …………………………… 62
Chapter 10 – Spread Your Positivity ………. 67
Are You Ready To Start Using The Astonishing Power Of Positive
Thinking? ………………………………………………… 72
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Doubters will doubt themselves. They‟ll doubt the people around them. They‟ll doubt everything and everyone. These people are downers. They literally make everyone around them suffer just by being near them.
Does this sound like you? I sure hope not! No one wants to be around a Debbie Downer, so you definitely shouldn‟t ever want to be one!
Just like most things in life, overcoming doubt and negative thinking is easier said than done. Sure, it‟s easy to utter positive words when you need to. But deep inside you know your first instinct is to say something gloomy or depressing. You need to put a stop to your destructive inner voice right now.
Here are 10 powerful ways you can get started with removing negativity in your life so you can move forward and upward!
1. Let go of the past
The past is gone, it‟s over. You can try all you want, but you can never turn back the clock. Look at the present without letting your past cloud your judgment.
If you fail to move forward because the past is holding you back, then you seriously need to reassess your life.
Whatever happened in the past has got to stay in the past. If you continue letting it affect you, then your future may not turn out to what you want it to be.
2. Learn from your mistakes
One thing people often overlook is the fact that mistakes do happen. Sure, you can have the best-laid plans, but sometimes you just can‟t stop mistakes from happening. Mistakes – whether it be big or small – are bound to happen. Don‟t let it dissuade you though.
Don‟t think that just because you made a mistake in the past, then you can‟t ever succeed in the same task or project. No, you have to stop thinking like that.
Otherwise, you‟re just proving to your inner critic that it‟s right!
3. Stop focusing on what’s wrong
Whenever a problem comes up, you probably try to find out what‟s wrong. This behavior is totally normal – how else can you fix problems if you don‟t know what caused it in the first place?
But getting hung up on these mistakes – especially if you‟re the one who caused them – is just plain wrong. If you don‟t stop berating yourself, then you can‟t move forward to fix the problem. Have a little faith in yourself. A little positive pep talk will go a long way towards building your confidence!
4. Don’t go looking for other people to blame
A negative person‟s first reaction to problems is to find out who made a mistake. Then they‟ll go out and attack that person privately or publicly.
A positive person, on the other hand, will also try to find out who made the mistake. But, instead of focusing on the person, they‟ll use their energy to try and solve the problem at hand.
When the problem‟s been solved and dealt with, then they‟ll go back to the person who made the mistake. Instead of berating them, they‟ll give some constructive feedback to help them avoid making the same error in the future.
5. Just tell yourself to STOP
When you know your thoughts are spiraling into negativity, you should admonish yourself right away. This is why self-awareness is so important – you can pinpoint the exact moment your inner self-destructive twin rears its ugly head out.
Once you realize where your thoughts are heading, tell yourself to stop. Take a deep breath. Go out for a walk to clear your head, or do whatever you need to do just to shut out that inner voice.
Other Details- 10 Articles (TXT)
- 1 Ebook (PDF), 72 Pages
- 8 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- Checklist, Resource Cheat Sheet, Mindmap, Optin Page, Social Media Images, Email Swipes
- Year Released/Circulated: 2023
- File Size: 22,847 KB
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