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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction..5
Chapter 2: Why a Product Launch Works So Well11
Chapter 3: How to Construct the Perfect Launch Plan 19
1. Focus on the Buyer, Not Just the Product….. 19
2. Get Opinion Makers to Weigh In… 21
3. Don’t Hesitate to Be Bold……22
4. Make the Event a Spectacle.. 24
5. Plan for Pre-Orders24
6. Be Clear about Product Positioning…….25
Chapter 4: Finding Out What Type of Products to Launch Online……28
Chapter 5: Determine the Market Need for the Product…. 37
Chapter 6: Get Your Marketing Material Ready..43
Social Media for Free…….43
Email Marketing…….46
Paid Advertising……. 47
Chapter 7: Building the Buzz and Pre-Launch….. 50
Behind the Scenes…. 51
If You Want to Keep the Mystery…. 53
Contact Influencers or Blog it Yourself…. 53
Chapter 8: Launch Process Explained.. 57
Chapter 9: Post-Launch Tactics….64
Monitor Social Media…….65
Check the Data.65
Run Referral Campaigns.. 66
Get Customer Feedback…67
Customer Retention.67
Chapter 10: Conclusion 71
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Chapter 2: Why a Product Launch Works So Well
Before we jump into how to make a product launch successful, if you weren’t convinced already, let’s take a look at why these things work wonders.
There are many reasons to do a big bang product launch. The first one, of course, is to let your customers know that there is something up for grabs in the market. You also get to make some waves in the industry and get a little recognition for your brand.
Apart from that, prepping for a product launch also gives your organization a little structure to work around. And after the launch, of course, you get valuable information and feedback from the early users of the product. But there’s more to it. Let’s talk about that for a minute.
The idea of a product launch is not to nail it 100 percent. I mean, good if you can. But there will always be last minute changes that will topple the plan from just a little bit to entirely gone to the dumpster. The idea for you as a leader is to make sure that you get as close to the perfect launch as possible because this is a test of your organization’s ability to execute a plan.
Your launch tells you how well you can stick to a plan and the dynamic changes that happen in real time. It tests the flexibility and the adaptability of your team. Because sometimes, even though you have a great idea, the right technology and market conditions that back you up, the quality of execution of a plan can make or break the deal.
A product launch is a process where most, if not all, the departments in the organization will have to put their heads together. Sometimes, teams will differ on the fundamental ideas. The other times, you will see clashes on design specifications, organizing and investing ideas.
Now, for a launch to be successful you need a lot more than help your customers locate the product and the ‘Buy Now’ button under it.
It is a massive undertaking for the entire organization. It requires planning, effort and coordination. You also need time. You need to make sure that all the departments are on the same page. You need marketing, sales and support staff to have multiple run throughs.
And they must all be successful.
When those run throughs are successful, you increase your chances of having a successful product launch. Now that increases the chances of having a successful product in the market. It gives you momentum in a way that it resonates with the customers and announces to the industry that you have indeed arrived.
It is clear that a product launch is a key event because it gets your attention, right? How do you get started on that?
You need a press release with all the dates and details of the event.
You need to advertise it on your website and social media channels.
You need all these channels to come back to the landing page where everyone who is interested in the event, not just the product, can learn about the event and the product.
A product launch is also a great place for influencers and first users to try the product out. It’s an exclusive and must be pitched as one. It also helps you build trust and creates a discussion in the online community organically. In marketing terms, it is called the word-ofmouth strategy. Putting yourself out there also shows that you are confident of the quality of your product. That’s a big boost and makes for a good product launch story for anyone covering the event.
Influencers—this is a very 21st century concept and it’s a great one.
Make a list of those who are relevant to the marketing of your product and get them talking. For that, you need to make them entertaining. For that, you need to learn what captivates your target audience.
It is also important to understand the right timing for the launch. You don’t want it clashing with events that are more attractive to your target audience or influencers, unless, of course, you are Apple computers.
A product launch works because it gets your product noticed and creates a buzz about your brand in the industry. Make the event interactive since that keeps the audience engaged. Offering free samples is a textbook way of getting the influencers and the public interested. Keep the entertainment unlimited and the refreshment stands stocked.
Product launches are, without a doubt, a great way to expand your business because you fundamentally put yourself on the map. When you attract the attention of industry titans, you offer yourself up for tie-ups and joint ventures. This creates opportunity for future growth.
Now, some brands like to keep a little mystery alive. You’ve seen this with big brands that keep the actual product itself a secret. You know nothing about it till the actual launch. Now, that’s not always an easy thing to pull off and is a tricky decision. We all remember how the iPhone 4 leak story went. It also doesn’t always work for all products.
So, make a decision on that early on.
If you choose to go that way, you must tell the people as little as possible about the product before the release. The idea is for the mystery to drive interest. A lot of times, tech bloggers and websites like to make their own predictions. Make it interesting. Ask them to submit scenarios and give a reward for anyone who is able to get a detail right. And a bonus if they can work up a mock design, when it is applicable.
Now, all this sounds quite fun but it won’t be if you don’t plan it well.
And be original throughout because copycats don’t always succeed.
Although sometimes they do remarkably well.
So, if you are not good at copying an idea and tweaking it enough to make it look like your own (and even if you are), you need to plan out every single detail of these optional activities too. Plan the information you want to release carefully. Put a lid on the number of people who have the information and give the details out strategically.
Chapter 3: How to Construct the Perfect Launch Plan
The first thing to know about a product launch is that the focus is on the customer. When you are out there in front of the people, it is very tempting to talk about the features of the product. It is true that a lot of people want to know the technicalities or the specs, if you will. And you should do that in a minute. But remember that that information can be found on the website or any number of new reports that will be filed after the event. What you must tell them is how the product changes their life.
1. Focus on the Buyer, Not Just the Product
Talk about the comfort of the product. Talk about how specific it is to a particular situation and help them understand why it simplifies the task at hand and in turn simplifies their life. That is what makes it exciting for the users.
Research shows that over 40 percent of startups do not succeed because their products do not fit the market. Sometimes the reason is that your marketing team has failed to communicate just that to the user even when they had a good product in hand.
That’s because a lot of businesses fail to focus on the buyer persona.
A lot of them go ahead with the launch without mapping out who the target audience is. Sometimes, it is also because the target audience is too wide a group. Both those scenarios can have disastrous results.
That is why it is recommended that you start by focusing on something called a single buyer persona. In this scenario, you pay attention to the chunk of users who can most easily be converted into buyers.
Once they become paying customers, you can move along to the other buyer personas. You start doing that using customer development methodology where you do customer and product development together.
Other Details- 10 Articles (TXT)
- 1 Ebook (PDF), 74 Pages
- 6 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- Checklist, Resource, Mindmap, Optin Page, Social Media Images, Email Swipes
- Year Released/Circulated: 2021
- File Size: 55,093 KB
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