Salespage Snapshot

Ebook Table Of Contents
Introduction 3-4
Who Are You Going To Sell To? 4-6
Start Building Credibility As A Business Person 6-7
Blogs 7
Micro-Blogs Like Twitter 7-8
Forums 8
Article Directories 9
Social News Sharing Or Rating Sites 9-10
Planning Out Your Pre-Launch 10
Affiliate Program 10-11
Getting Affiliates 12
Getting People To Signup For Your Affiliate Program 12-13
Make It Worth Their While 13
Offer Good Incentives 14
Allow Them To Review The Item 15
Promotion 12-13
Email Marketing Campaign 15-16
Write A Free Report 17
Make A Video 18-19
Podcast/Audio Content 19-21
Press Release 21-24
Creative Ways To Get People Interested In Your Product 25
Offer A Sampling 25-26
Limited Offers 26
Discuss The Product 27
Run A Contest 27
Teleseminars And Webinars 28
Ecourses 29
Pay-Per-Click Advertising 29-30
Joint Ventures 30-31
Getting Ready 31
Communicate With Affiliates 31-32
Get The Product Landing Page Set Up 32-33
Avoid These Common Mistakes 34-27
In Conclusion 38
Sample Content Preview
Informational products are one of the biggest money makers on the internet. People have a need and a desire to learn new things about all sorts of topics. Informational products are the solutions to those needs.
EBooks, video series and the like are being sold like hotcakes every day, because people want to tap into that knowledge and learn things for themselves. Internet Marketers are cashing into that need and creating their products to sell.
Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to successfully get their product out there to create a big enough desire for huge profits. Most people find they obtain small amounts of sales coming in sporadically and they just can’t figure out what exactly they’re doing wrong.
Oftentimes, the answer to their problem is in the way they launch it. Simply creating an info product and setting up a web page isn’t enough to get people to come. There are other important steps that need to be taken in order to see their money- making dream come true.
When searching the internet for information about launching products, you may come across some hype that gear you up for instant overnight success without doing any work to get it. They focus on selling you on the idea of gaining success and leave out much of the important information, which is how to get it.
Other Details* Sales Page: Included, HTML
* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 38
* Included Graphics: Ecovers, PSD
* Extras: 5 Followup Emails
* Extras: Promo Email
* Extras: Affiliates Programs
* Extras: Articles
* Extras: Squeeze Page
* Extras: Blog Posts
* Extras: MS Word Doc, PDF Report
* Number of Pages: 9
* Download File Size: 17,853 KB