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– Introduction
Hello and welcome to Quick Profit Secrets!
In this report I am going to outline a few different sales that you can setup and profit from very quickly!
I run different types of what I call “Speed Sales” very often because they are quick to set up, quick to end, and make very fast bundles of cash, and sometimes very large amounts of it!
I am definitely convinced that anybody can run these types of sales as I have seen very new Internet marketer’s throw one of these together in a week or 2 and profit upwards of $3-5,000 on several occasions.
Now $3k ain’t millions or anything but for a week or two of easy work, it’s not too shabby either- especially if you are just starting in this business!
Would you like to make that kind of money in a week or two whenever you want?
If so, just follow the steps below and make it happen…
– What Type Of Speed Sale?
There are a few different types of speed sales that you can run that are all easy to set up and profitable.
They also have very similar formulas for getting them to work, so you could mix and match if you wish.
The thing that makes speed sales really effective at generating cash is the limitations.
Something, usually the price is limited in each speed sale.
What I mean is, the whole point of the sale is that the product(s) is at a discount for the time being, but the price is going up at a specific time (like in 30 minutes, or on December 14, etc..)
Different sales have different ideas on how the price raises and what is limited.
– Fire sales
A fire sale online is typically a set of products sold for a discount price where the price will automatically go up at specific dates.
Other Details* Sales Page: Included, HTML
* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 19
* Included Graphics: Ecovers, PSD
* Download File Size: 11,988 KB
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