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Table of Contents
Rising from The Ashes . 1
Pulling Yourself Up by Your Bootstraps to Succeed. 2
Introduction . 3
Chapter 1: Processing and Accepting Your Challenge . 6
Chapter 2: Understanding What is Holding You Back and Facing Your Fears 9
Chapter 3: Accepting Adversity as a Normal Part of Life .. 13
Chapter 4: Viewing Mistakes and Setbacks as Learning Opportunities 17
Chapter 5: Changing Your Negative Thinking Patterns . 21
Chapter 6: Stop Fearing the Future … 25
Chapter 7: Laying the Groundwork for Success By Working on Plan A and Plan B .. 29
Chapter 8: Surrounding Yourself with Moral Support .. 33
Chapter 9: Journaling With Gratitude … 37
Chapter 10: The Importance of Routine and Structure 40
Conclusion . 43
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Chapter 2: Understanding What is Holding You Back and Facing Your Fears
Now that you have begun to accept the way your challenge is not actually a death-sentence and actually something you are able to look at with more objectivity, it is time to look back on this journey objectively and begin to understand what it was that was the most challenging for you. When you are able to truly dissect what the hardest part of the situation you were in happened to be, then you will be able to further steel yourself against failure in the future.
The first step in doing this is to be willing to answer hard questions. Ask yourself about what part of the process was the most difficult for you to deal with. Why? How did you feel when dealing with these setbacks? How long have you been battling with these feelings? Have you done anything to address these thoughts and feelings, or have you been dealing with them in silence?
Journal about your answers, because sometimes we are able to learn much more about ourselves and go in depth about these things in writing. It can be very revealing, because we become introspective and thoughtful about the question at hand. To truly understand why we act the way we do, it can be helpful to identify patterns of behavior that we can then address, and journaling is a good way to do that. It is a great way to begin to really consider what it is that holds us back.
The second step is in learning to face your fears. Instead of being intimidated by the things that you are worried about, remember that you are not the first one to deal with these kinds of challenges and setbacks. Each of us has quite a tally of setbacks under our belts, and you might just be able to find somebody out there, or even a whole group of people, who can offer their support and advice. It can help to look online for communities of people who have experienced similar challenges as you have.
There are bound to be many others who have dealt with the same issues you are, even if they are a little bit different. If you
speak with others who have been in the same boat as you have, it can be very encouraging. They may be able to offer advice and strategies to cope with the kinds of things you are dealing with. And it is inspirational to see people who have dealt with the same setbacks find their footing again. If you have begun to believe you are not capable of succeeding, or you are simply feeling afraid to take the next step, speaking with someone who has been through what you are going through and survived it can really give you the added encouragement you need in order to launch yourself over your mental block and begin to make real progress.
It is unbelievably important to make sure that you are not being too hard on yourself. Sure, you may be in a hard place, but that doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with you. In fact, believing that your failure is an indication about your worth is the fastest way to make yourself needlessly miserable!
Instead of staying stuck in your head and believing that it is because you don’t know how to do anything right that you found yourself challenged, instead, begin to see that most of the reasons you are feeling bad about yourself have to do with your fears of failure. But failure doesn’t define you. In fact, it can be a great way to grow and learn.
To begin with, start to consider the things that you are afraid of. Now that you’ve experienced your challenge and may have already experienced the worst case scenario head on, you are likely to have encountered many hidden fears. Instead of letting those ears oppress you, bring them to light by identifying them. Again, a journal can come in handy in this situation.
In a journal, try to list the fears that your challenge has brought to light. It will be a relief to be able to identify them. And once you have identified them, then it is much easier to address and overcome them!
You can even designate a specific journal toward expressing your fears and writing when you feel as if you are overwhelmed by a scary situation. That way you will begin to realize that you actually do have power even when you don’t feel like you do. Some fears may even be irrational fears that have developed because of anxiety. Realistic fears can be managed and prepared for, while irrational fears can be seen for what they are.
The fears you write about will become less imposing in your mind as you allow yourself to process them and face them. Once you sense a fear, whether irrational or rational, creeping up in your mind, you can journal about it and/or counter it with a mantra. For irrational fears, you might want to say something to yourself like, “This fear is irrational, and I am going to be okay,” while rational fears can be met with a mantra such as, “Whether this situation happens or not, I can prepare for it and be stronger for it.” Peace of mind is the greatest gift you could give yourself!
Chapter 3: Accepting Adversity as a Normal Part of Life
Something that most of us tend to forget as we go through life is that we are never going to get things perfectly the first time. When we do, it is either a fluke, or simply a gift. For the most part, we are stuck having to learn. And the learning process takes time. And sometimes, more than others, that time can feel like an eternity. Especially when we put the pressure on ourselves of thinking that in order to have value, we have to make sure that we succeed at everything, all the time.
A lot of us don’t learn that adversity is something we should come to expect. Rather than expecting it, we fear it, and do everything in our power to avoid it at all costs. This can make it extremely challenging for us to learn how to solve problems and overcome obstacles, which may lead to an even greater difficulty in coping with setbacks. That is why it is important to change your mindset and begin to accept, and even expect, adversity.
If we accept the fact that we are never going to be perfect, then this can be much easier to do. However, many of us experience demanding authority figures throughout our lives that lead us to believe that if we are not excelling, then we are less valuable. It is a dangerous trap that we find ourselves in, but all of us are able to overcome it, if we know how and are willing and able to put our minds to it.
The first thing you have to do is stop being so hard on yourself when you struggle. Struggling is a normal part of life. Everybody who was born struggle somehow. In fact, the second we are born, most of us began to cry because what we experienced was a struggle. But it was one that our mothers were able to face, and for our sakes, they overcame it the best that they could. And we were also along for the ride, during an experience that was difficult for everybody involved.
That should prove to be a lesson to us all. We are born struggling, and we are not going to stop struggling. In fact, we should change our attitude about struggling rather than trying to be perfect all the time. It creates unnecessary anxiety surrounding the process of learning and having to work hard to achieve the things that we want to achieve. For people who find it difficult to accept inadequacy, struggling can be that much more anxiety inducing.
People like this are often the most driven to succeed, which makes the challenge of rising to the occasion that much more difficult. However, it should be an accepted fact of life that nothing worthwhile comes easily. We should expect to be challenged, and rise up to face those challenges without defining ourselves based on whether or not we succeed at a goal. It is how we respond to failure that truly defines us. If we don’t have the mental toughness that we need in order to bounce back after meeting an unexpected challenge, then we may find ourselves shriveling at the first sign of resistance.
It does not make you a weak person to have to take time and energy to achieve your goals. And it does not make you a week or worthless person to have goals that were difficult or impossible to reach. Sometimes, you may achieve your goals through many years of hard work and labor, and countless challenges. Other times, sometimes a goal is not meant to be reached, and that is that. You have to learn how to define your own definition of success, and try not to subscribe to society’s interpretation of what you should be doing and how to define yourself as a success.
By accepting that failure is a part of life, and learning how to integrate it into your learning process, then you are going to stop putting so much pressure on yourself to succeed and linking your sense of self-worth with whether or not you are able to achieve your goals. Sure, goals are important thing to have, but so is a strong sense of self and confidence. You should be confident enough to look a challenge in the eye, and even a failure, and accept the fact that you are where you are for a reason. Sometimes, that reason is to help you learn something, and other times that reason is so that you can achieve the goal and move forward from there.
No matter which direction your life may take in, your time is not wasted unless you begin to dwell on the things that could have been rather than focusing on a plan for your future. Make yourself a promise that rather than dreading failures and setbacks, you will begin to expect them. In fact, you should learn to embrace them, because they will provide you with insight about your plans and your own biases that you would never get elsewhere.
Once you are able to look at failure as something that is bound to happen at some point, you will stop taking it so personally when it does happen. The hardest part about failing is not expecting it, half the time, well the second hardest part is trying to recover your losses. If you always have another plan ready, and you are doing everything in your power to make your goal a reality, then you have nothing to feel sorry about. Sure, you might have some time and resources wasted, but that is nothing compared to the hours of agony you will be sparing yourself by understanding that failure is simply another part of life, and it is always better to count your blessings and move on.
Other Details- 20 Articles (TXT, DOC)
- 1 Ebook (PDF), 45 Pages
- 10 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- 11 Ecovers (JPG, PNG)
- Promotional Ad Material (Emails, Banners)
- Resource Report, Cheat Sheet, Mindmap, Social Media Images, Legal Page, Sales Video
- Year Released/Circulated: 2018
- File Size: 87,359 KB
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