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Table of Contents
Working at Home? Time is of the Essence! …… 6
Wise Time Management Tips for Work-at-Home Entrepreneurs ….. 9
Outsourcing: How to Get More Done in Less Time ….. 12
Guerrilla Methods: How to Save Money and Spend Less Than Your Competitors ….. 15
Recommended Resources …….. 18
Recommended Reading .. 18
All-in-One E-Commerce Solutions ….. 18
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Time is precious and time is limited. We need to make the very best use of every minute of every day that we possibly can.
Outsourcing: How to Get More Done in Less Time
Time really does equal money. You are an internet entrepreneur and you need to ask yourself what the best use of your time really is because it is YOUR time that equals money. The health of your bottom line is directly affected by the way that you choose to allot your working hours.
First let‟s discuss what your job really is as an internet entrepreneur. Your job is to grow your business. Your job is to make those contacts that will make you money. Your job is to conceive ideas and bring them to fruition. Your job is to close that deal! You do agree with that description of your job duties as an internet entrepreneur, don‟t you?
Okay! Now let‟s discuss what your job as an internet entrepreneur is NOT. Being an internet entrepreneur does not qualify you as an accountant, an advertising guru or a writer. You aren‟t qualified to be an event planner or a travel agent. When you decided to become an internet entrepreneur that did not automatically make you a „jack-of-all-trades‟.
You can waste a lot of your valuable time on tasks that you just plain aren‟t very good at. You are the idea man/woman. It IS your job to make your business grow and you‟ll be good at that provided that is where you use your time and direct your energies.
If you insist upon doing everything yourself, whether you are good at it or not, you will use up all of your thought and energy and have nothing left to do the things that only YOU can do to make your business grow.
• Hire an accountant or a bookkeeping service: Every business must keep a record of its day to day financial transactions and even the smallest of transactions add up to big tax deductions over the period of a year.
You can‟t simply file everything under „miscellaneous‟ and you can‟t spend an hour or so every day taking care of just mundane bookkeeping duties either.
Bookkeepers and accountants only charge for the time that they actually spend working for you. Usually they have many clients.
If they spend one hour working on your records then you will only be charged for that one hour. YOU aren‟t a bookkeeper or an accountant and you would have likely spent three or four hours doing the same tasks and then with questionable results. Hire an accountant or a bookkeeping service!
• Hire a VA (Virtual Assistant): A virtual assistant can save you hours and hours of time on the mundane tasks that are required to be accomplished in order to run a successful internet business.
A VA can check your email and send only the emails that you need to personally deal with to you. Internet entrepreneurs get more junk mail than anybody! A good VA can also act as a travel agent and make airline and hotel reservations for you. Hire a VA!
• Use ghost writers and article submission services: Writing articles and E-books is always a big part of all internet marketing no matter what the niche might be. You will need to have website content and you will also need to submit articles and E-books to banks and repositories for others to use along with your resource box in order to build your online credibility.
Ghost writers will post to blogs and forums for you above your own signature file that includes your name and website. Some ghost writers will also submit articles and E-books to banks and repositories for you. If the ghost writer that you employ does not, then you can seek an articles submission company to do that time consuming task for you as well.
• Use an advertising agency: Now advertising agencies don‟t work cheap so you will need to be very, very specific about what you want them to do for your business. You can likely get PPC advertisements written rather reasonably and even that will be a huge help to you time wise.
There are only just so many hours in a day and you can only spend just so many of those hours working at making your online business successful. There IS still life outside of business.
You have friends and family that do require some measure of your time. That makes it even more vital that you use your time to make your business grow and not waste your time by spending doing the everyday tasks that can take so much of your valuable time.
Think outsourcing!
Guerrilla Methods: How to Save Money and Spend Less Than Your Competitors
Oh, the dreaded „B‟ word! No, not THAT „B‟ word I‟m talking about the BUDGET „B‟ word. The formula for determining profit is a really simple one and the one that all budgets are based upon. Income – Expenses = Profit.
It isn‟t complicated and you don‟t need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that there are two ways to improve your profit; (1) increase income or (2) decrease expenses. If you can figure out how to both simultaneously, please let me know how.
It would be really nice if we could just crank up the burners and make more money, wouldn‟t it? Unfortunately increasing income is much harder than decreasing expenses when it comes to improving your bottom line.
Fortunately, working at home comes with some built in savings right up front. You don‟t have to buy that expensive gasoline to get to and from work. You don‟t have to keep your working wardrobe up to date.
You can eat a PBJ sandwich for lunch in your own kitchen. And all of these are good money-saving things that just come with the territory when you work at home.
There are, however, some other measures that you can take to help decrease your work at home expenses. Here are some money saving ideas:
• Idea #1: Don‟t buy every piece of software that comes down the pike. Most of us who work at home are software junkies. We LOVE software….all kinds of software…and before we know it we have software on top of software and more software than we need or even can use.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 15 Pages
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- 1 Ecover (PSD, PNG)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2022
- File Size: 13,640 KB
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