Seduce Hot Women Using Text Messages Resale Rights Ebook

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Why TEXT-ing is So Powerful For Seduction

Using Text messages for seduction is awesome.

And it’s so powerful, it’s hard to believe sometimes! Oh, if I only had this powerful technology available to me when I was in college…I can’t even imagine the possibilities…but, I digress…

The good news is that we have this technology available to us now – and it?s only getting better.

The more everyone embraces and sees text-ing as “normal,” the easier it gets for text-seducers to do their thing.

The Big Secret

Text seduction is a very “under the radar” method of accessing some of the inner-most, secret parts of a woman’s mind – a part that she usually keeps very private from others, especially from some stranger she met just a few days ago, at some club.

The whole process is very sneaky, really.

Since text’ing is so impersonal, low-intimacy and “safe” (at least in everyone’s minds,) people – especially women – are more willing to drop their guard and just “have fun.” And they do this without ever realizing what could really happen, with a “text-seducer.”

Also, on some level, women view the stuff that happens during ‘texting’ and ‘IM-ing’ as a ‘fantasy’ i.e. it’s not “real”…it’s just “harmless fun,” i.e. it doesn’t mean anything and doesn’t hurt anyone.

And, on many levels, they are right in thinking so.

(Interestingly, women who have had sexual affairs ‘on the side’ view those experiences the same way. In their minds, its okay because “it doesn’t mean anything” and “it was purely sexual, without any emotions or feelings attached.”

Other Details

- 2 Ebooks (PDF), 31 Pages
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2011
- File Size: 1,251 KB

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