Salespage Snapshot

Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
SEO Intro
Chapter 2:
About Search Engines
Chapter 3:
What You Need For SEO
Chapter 4:
How To Do Keyword Research
Chapter 5:
Title And Meta Tags
Chapter 6:
SEO And Copywriting
Chapter 7:
Integrating SEO Into Your Business
Chapter 8:
Directory Submissions
Chapter 9:
Spam And Other Concerns
Chapter 10:
Tracking It All
Wrapping Up
Sample Content Preview
Chapter 2:
About Search Engines
Very simply put, search engines are mini computer programs which help the individual find specific information. As there is an infinite amount of information available online, without effective search engines which are designed for the purpose of finding such information, it would be almost impossible if not an monumental task altogether.
Things To Understand
Utilizing the same basic principals the various different search engines work in a variety of specific ways to provide the information sought.
All this in done is the shortest and most efficient amount of time. In order to function at its optimum level the search engines have to form a local database which is tagged to the internet.
Originally in order to be detected the search engines would identify keywords and titles but more recently a more comprehensive method of detection is used.
The current method used by the search engines is to index all of the text on every page and also any other related data linked to the original search. This method ensures a more efficient search for information rather than having to go around the internet every time a query is sent in.
The search engines create various data bases by scouring the internet for any new information either linked directly or indirectly to the subject at hand and then compiling this information and channeling it to the relevant avenues being sought.
The search engine must access the value each page for the words and information that appears on it. At its most elementary level, the search engine must keep track of the contents of each page and record that page as relevant for any potential search done based on the keywords it’s tagged to.
Thus in order to be fairly completive each search engine will constantly come up with newer ways for weighting the importance or relevance of the information posted.
Chapter 3:
What You Need For SEO
For software applications and websites to be useful to whoever is accessing it, the information prepared and shared must be made available to all who are interested or related to the search. The requirements should be as traceable elements and functions.
What’s Required
When gathering the relevant data for the requirements of SEO several factors should be taken into account such as the information required by the potential individual souring the internet and the users who really want to have their information or services tailored to the individual’s needs. Though not identical both side’s needs have to be addressed in order for a successful connection to be made.
A lot of relevant information needs to be decided upon before a posting is designed. In some instances the “space” for shared comments should be provided if it is deemed necessary for all parties connected to the SEO.
Perhaps information garnered from the comments regarding the products sold or competing product would prove to be useful and relevant.
Some of the areas that can be explored are to create communities of interest, knowledge sharing, selling of products, sales of services such as consultancies, cleaning services, plumbing services, financial services, legal services, and many others.
Creating further brand awareness and improving brand perception is also another tool that can be used in the requirements of SEO.
Conducting competitive analysis is also another function that can be linked to the requirements of SEO. Using pictures, charts or other specific functions of competing sites can be of tremendous advantage to the potential client and those viewing the said site.
The general idea behind gathering requirements of SEO should be to ensure revenue is earned, information in provided to the relevant users, sales lead are achieved, online registrations are facilitated without hassle are just a few to be mentioned.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF), 34 Pages
- 2 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2017
- File Size: 1,777 KB
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