Squeeze Page Preview:

* 12 Issues Full Of Great Content
– Just add in your contact info and plug it in to your favorite auto responder. Each issue contains 500 words or more!
* One Ready To Go Squeeze Page
– Just add in your opt in form, upload to your server and your done!
* One Ready To Go Thank You Page
All ready to remind your subscribers to check their email and confirm their subscription. It even has built in revenue!
* 4 Researched Click Bank Products
These are top selling products on Click Bank that I’ve personally researched and chosen for each series.
* Extra Copy And Paste Article Content
You will get:
– Extra titles
– Extra opening paragraphs
– Extra closing paragraphs
– Extra fill in paragraphs
(these would make great tips that you add in to your follow ups system for more frequent contact with your readers)
Sample Content Preview
Hello “autoresponder code here”,
In the last issue we talked about taking full advantage of every new lead
that you receive. In this issue we are going to go over a few tried and
true methods that you can use to increase your sales.
When it comes to increasing sales and income there are many
strategies that you can employ. As a matter of fact if you do a search
online for the term “increase sales” you will be barraged with hundreds
and thousands of results filled with tips and advice to help you reach
your goals. While we’re not going to be able to cover all of those topics
in this issue we are going to go over a few tried and true methods that I
like to use myself.
Even those these are simple, they are extremely effective and when
used properly can definitely help you increase your sales.
– Your customers buying experience.
One of the first things were going to talk about is making the consumers
buying experience as easy as possible. While there is a lot of
information that you may want to collect from your new customer it is
important not to ask for too much information up front.
Instead, ask for the bare minimum from the customer, so they can
complete their purchase as quickly as possible. If you want to gather
more demographics from them later on, you can follow-up by sending a
thank you note, asking them to fill out warranty information or take a
quick customer survey.
I know this may not seem like a big deal to you but you may be
surprised to find out how many sales you are losing because your
checkout process is to link the more complicated.
So, don’t make your customer jump through hoops to buy your products.
They’ll only get frustrated and put it off until later and most of the time
later never comes!
– Stress the benefits
When it comes to closing the sale it’s important that you talk about the
benefits of your product or service and save the features for later. Your
customers don’t want to know the all the details on how your product or
service works they just want to know how it will benefit them!
Benefits show off the value of your product much better than features.
Let your prospective customer know exactly what your product can do
for them. Will it help them make more money, have more time, reduce
their stress, give them energy, help them live longer, etc. This is what
they want to know and this is what will help you sell more of your
products and services.
– Good, honest communication.
As we have discussed before communication is key. It is important to
follow-up with potential buyers in a timely manner. By keeping the lines
of communication open you gain more trust and credibility. this will turn
into more sales of your product or service!
Encourage your customers to ask questions. Always do your best to put
them at ease and let them know that they’re not bothering you or
wasting your time to ask you a question. Answer each question
honestly and promptly. Remember, customers can tell when you’re
lying. If you don’t know the answer to the question, don’t lie to them just
tell them you’ll find out for them as soon as possible and let them know.
While these are only a few simple things that you can do they are all
tried, tested and guaranteed to be effective when it comes to
increasing your sales.
Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about
using an autoresponder service to help increase your sales even if you
run an off-line business.
Until then,
“your name here”
“your email address”
“your URL here”
Sample Extra Titles
The Idiot’s Guide To Making More Sales Explained
Unknown Facts About Making More Sales Revealed By The Experts
The Hidden Truth For Making More Sales Exposed
The Secret of Making More Sales That No One is Talking About
The Unexposed Secret For Making More Sales
What To Do About Making More Sales Before It’s Too Late
The Secret For Making More Sales Revealed in 5 Simple Steps
The Ultimate Solution For Making More Sales That You Can Learn About Today
The Truth About Making More Sales
5 Odd-Ball Tips on Making More Sales
7 Shocking Facts About Making More Sales Told By An Expert
The Insider Secret on Making More Sales Uncovered
What Everyone is Saying About Making More Sales Is Dead Wrong And Why
The Insider Secrets of Making More Sales Discovered
The Unexplained Mystery Into Making More Sales Uncovered
The Insider Secrets For Making More Sales Exposed
Effective Strategies For Making More Sales That You Can Use Starting Today
What You Need To Know About Making More Sales And Why
Why Nobody is Talking About Making More Sales And What You Should Do Today
The Most Overlooked Fact About Making More Sales Revealed
A Simple Trick For Making More Sales Revealed
5 Simple Tactics For Making More Sales Uncovered
What You Can Do To Make More Sales Starting In The Next 10 Minutes
5 Tips on Making More Sales You Can Use Today
Why Everyone Is Dead Wrong About Making More Sales And Why You Must Read This Report
And More…
Sample Extra Paragraphs
Make contact with all of your customers who either haven’t bought yet,
or have only recently bought. If it’s a potential customer, find out what
you can do to move them along in making their decision. Not the used
car sales guy-high pressure way, but by trying to sincerely serve them.
How can you help them? You are trying to solve a problem they have,
and whether they called you or you called on them… if they wanted to
hear your sales presentation, they need or want what you’re selling.
Make it a problem solving expedition, and SERVE the best you can.
Closing is the most important thing you can do. If you don’t ask for the
business, you’ll lose more sales than you make. That’s the obvious part.
The not-so-obvious part is when to start closing. Almost every training
course discusses this so you probably already know it, but it’s one of
the biggest ways to find out how far along the decision making process
the customer is at any time.
Find out what other successful sales reps are doing, and use their
successes to create your own. Sometimes the difference is just a word
or phrase, or a different approach with a certain client type.
Ask questions throughout. “Will this option meet your needs? Is this
component something you are interested in? Will this meet your need,
and/or am I on the right track?”
Deliver on your promises. Do what you say you are going to do. Return
calls, answer questions completely and honestly. Nothing is worse than
nailing a sale and then losing it all on a technicality. Don’t be “that guy
(or girl)”. Don’t lie, it won’t work out in the long run.
Capturing trust is at the heart of sales. Whether you’re asking someone
to part with their own hard earned money, or asking a corporation to
narrow its profit margin with an added expense …you must deserve the
business. If they trust you… you’re one step closer.
At some point and time, most customers will have questions that can
lead them to either wait to purchase, or purchase from someone else.
Or they can talk themselves out of buying altogether. These questions
are actually objections. Sometimes the customer doesn’t even know it.
Sometimes the objection is completely different than the question being
asked. You need to know what is stopping the customer from buying.
And More…
Other Details- 12 Part Autoresponder Email Messages (TXT, DOC)
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- Affiliate Programs List
- File Size: 6,770 KB