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Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
Sleeping Basics
Chapter 2:
Figure Out What Is Missing
Chapter 3:
Identify Your Goals
Chapter 4:
Try New Things
Chapter 5:
Take Action
Chapter 6:
How Not Fixing Your Sleep Can Harm Your Life
Wrapping Up
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Chapter 1:
Sleeping Better Basics
Most people tend to disregard the importance and the significance of proper sleep patterns. Therefore there is a need to reeducate people of this very important element which is so impactful on the daily functions of anyone.
The Basics
As sleep is an essential part of a normal and healthy growing individual it should be regarded with some respect. Sleep helps the body to rejuvenate adequately, so that the daily challenges will be better handled.
However at this point it is not completely known how the actual sleep state can be accurately and precisely explained in it’s physiologically phenomenon state.
Though thought to be a rather passive state of being it is now know to have a very dynamic process where is brain does not at anytime really shut down complete and instead does perform several unseeing functions within this state, thus it dominant importance.
Basically sleep states can be categorized into different stages such as NREM which is non rapid eye movement and REM which is rapid eye movement.
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