Social Media Explosion: Using Social Media & Getting To Know Facebook Plr Ebook

Product Price: $19.95
SKU: 15541

Table of Contents

1. Social Media A to Z
2. The Networks
3. Drilling Down Specifically
4. Social Video
5. Live Socializing
6. Visual Socializing
7. Wrap Up

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Social Media A to Z

As promised, this section is going to introduce you to social bookmarking which is going to be one of the ways that you truly start increasing traffic to your website.

You’ll find a ton of introductory information as well as some intermediate discussion throughout this text. As I mentioned in the introduction, make sure that you read this section so that you can gain the most benefit from this book.

Social bookmarking is based on the concept of sharing information on the web, and has evolved rapidly with the growth of the internet communities and interactive sites. As more people turn to websites to learn, research, and even read the latest news, the ability to track and monitor this behavior is becoming even easier.

Collective intelligence is leading the wave of sharing information based on specific keywords and subjects, and can help marketers and business owners in many ways. Today’s social networking sites are incorporating many social bookmarking elements into the platform. This allows users to learn even more about each other, and is engaging people online by building communities, opening up new networking channels, and giving marketers and business owners a chance to track behavior.

The Wikipedia definition for social bookmarking states: “an activity performed over a computer network that allows users to save and categorize a personal collection of bookmarks and share them with others. Users may also take bookmarks saved by others and add them to their own collection, as well as to subscribe to the lists of others. – a personal knowledge management tool.”

Each social bookmarking site is designed differently, but ultimately allows users to create a profile, update their preferences, and share this information with friends and family. Since they are creating this growing network of information, a pattern of tastes and preferences is established—and made publicly available.

Other Details

- 25 Articles (TXT)
- Ebook (PDF, DOC), 133 Pages
- Marketing Materials (PDF, DOC)
- File Size: 35,380 KB
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