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Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Power Of Spoken Word Basics
Chapter 2: Analyzing The Way You Speak About Your Life Now
Chapter 3: Changing Negative Talk To Positive Talk
Chapter 4: The Difference Between Speaking And Thinking What You Want
Chapter 5: Getting In The Right Mindset
Chapter 6: The Difference Between Positive And Negative Thinking In The Words You Use
Chapter 7: Speaking Success In Health And In Relationships
Chapter 8: Speaking Success In Finance And In Career Path
Chapter 9: Advantages And Disadvantages
Chapter 10: Conclusion
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Chapter 8: Speaking Success In Finances And Career Path
All of us have great powers to create things that we want in our lives. Words have power in making your dreams come true and achieving the things you want in life.
The words that you speak are actually like the “genie in the bottle”. Once you declare that you will become successful in your finances and career path, your wish is its command, and you will enjoy success in your finances and the path you choose.
We can become healthy and wealthy, only when we choose to do become so. Just say it and you will see that it is going to happen in such way that you say it will.
Finances And Career
Sometimes when bad things happen or when our chosen career path did turn to become successful, we think that they are bound to happen. Actually, things did not become successful because in the very beginning, you are doubtful of your own success.
Every one of us has an innate power to make a wonderful and bright future just because we say so. Declare to the world that you will be great in your business, and you will become successful in your chosen career and you will see how wonderful things will come your way.
There are creative powers within your words. The words you speak have great powers to create no matter what your heart desires, including your wanted financial world.
We know how the saying goes, “words are more powerful than a sword”. When it comes to politics, this is actually how a war is being initiated, and how peace is being made. It is actually how our decisions are being pulled through.
In the business world, it’s the word that define what you can offer and who you are. Also, once you believe and speak of words of affirmation that you will become success in your business, then you will do so.
If people declare that you will fail in your chose career or in your business, reverse it by saying positively that you will succeed. No matter what negative things they say, you always have a power to change it. If you notice that things are not going your way, choose to see the potential and possibility. Declare that whatever challenges you face, you will stand up again and become successful.
Expect and speak of positive outcomes. Practice positive declarations. The words that you speak are very creative. Put them into work as you start speaking them out. It just means that a closed mouth is also a closed financial destiny. Start opening your mouth wide by speaking of success both in your finances, business and in your chosen career path, and then you will see what you are saying will come to pass.
Chapter 9: Advantages and Disadvantages
Our words hold enormous power and for us to wield this kind of power means controlling our destiny. We have discovered along the way that the primary secret of words depend on expressing them compassionately, carefully and consciously. Because our words are really powerful, these can be used in both in negative and positive ways.
Good And Bad
Advantages of Spoken Words
Spoke words are powerful enough to create positive things within your life. These can build bridges between individuals, can bring life to our relationships, futures and existence. Human or people are the only beings created on earth, amongst other living creatures living therein, can control their breathing in order to make sounds vibrate that they are using to be able to form words that enable them to communicate with other humans and to convey message.
These spoken words have an immense power to communicate with and be able to connect to the world that is unseen. Each word that we utter is actually prayer that is manifested into reality and brought into this life by faith.
Spoken words can be used in order to build up and lighten the spirit of a heart that is discouraged. All that is required is to be able to speak the appropriate words at the perfect time to uplift the wounded spirit, to enlighten one’s mind so that an individual can start to feel the power of one’s word.
Bear in mind that words that are positive are also positive affirmations. They can always change any cues that are subconscious that have the possibility to sabotage your future success in life. Remember that words have great powers to play a very destructive role in your life.
Disadvantage of Spoken Words
Although words can build, they can also destroy. Once you start saying negative things about yourself and to others, this can also make negative changes in your future. Your tongue may actually be the smallest, yet it is your most powerful weapon against yourself and to others. Just a very simple misplaced word can actually lead to a negative chain reaction in other people lives and to those who cannot handle difficult situations.
It is true that words can build bridges between many people and build good relationships, but remember that words also have great capacity to close those gaps in between and destroy relationships that you build. They can also bring destruction to your existence, relationship and also to your future. if you keep on saying negative things about yourself and others, you are also robbing a good part of your and others lives. Spoken words can make us discourages, aggravated and sad.
If you want to obtain happiness in life, speak of uplifting words. Speak of success both in your relationship and in health, in finances and in career path, in yourself and other people’s lives. The advantage and disadvantages of words depend on how we use them and our great intent behind those words. Spoken words can actually satisfy the soul just as food satisfies one’s stomach. Choosing the appropriate words can bring satisfaction. Life and destruction, failure and success are in the power of your words.
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