Salespage Snapshot

Table of Contents
Why You Need to Follow Up with Your Customers ………… 3
Your Follow Up Plan …. 3
The Power of Follow Up…………. 4
3 Key Ways Following Up Benefits Your Business …………. 5
Making Your Reputation ………… 6
Ignoring the Obvious …. 7
The One Follow Up Step that’s Easy to Miss ……… 7
Exactly What Is “Follow Up”? … 8
Beyond Consistency…… 9
Thinking Like Your Customer .. 10
Balance ………12
Putting It Together …… 13
Deliver What You Promise …..13
2. Help Them Keep Moving Through Your Process ………14
3. Remove the Bumps and Glitches …..14
4. Provide them with Access – to You …15
Section II. Follow Up Techniques ………. 18
1. The Email Series ….18
2. The Personal Follow Up ……20
3. The “Blast from the Past” email ……..21
4. The Newsletter Strategy …….21
5. Don’t Forget the Snail ……….22
10 Focused Follow Up Tips …… 24
10 Biggest Follow Up Mistakes 25
Overcoming Your Fear of Selling……….. 26
You see, when it’s successful – and profitable – follow up 26
Sample Content Preview
What that really says is… anyone who expects all sales to happen based only on a couple of initial contacts is neglecting further opportunities for profit.
3 Key Ways Following Up Benefits Your Business
Taking as much care with your follow up as you do with your product creation and launch prep should be a consistent part of your marketing process. We’ve already taken a look at the sales stats in the previous section; and if that’s not enough to really drive the point home, here are 3 more powerful benefits to consistently using well-thought-out follow up process…
1. Following up builds trust – one of the key questions we ask ourselves, when preparing a new product launch (and especially in affiliate marketing) is: “Why should Josephine Customer buy from me?”
When asked why they choose one particular marketer over another, customers frequently answer: “Because I trust so-and-so”.
I’m sure you know about building up trust through solving problems – and not always through paid products. But your follow up process also helps to build trust too.
It’s like being introduced to someone at a convention. You may like them, but if the contact is brief, you may also forget them. And it’s not until you’ve met each other at least 3 times, and had a couple of conversations about your shared interests that it naturally occurs to you that your new conference buddy is the very person you should speak to about the subject you’re both passionate about.
So it is with internet marketing: Your perfect potential customer “meets” you… but if all she hears is one sales pitch, with a couple of sporadic letters that don’t do anything towards building up a relationship, she is likely to go elsewhere to buy a similar product – even though yours is actually far more in tune with what she originally wants!
2. Follow up builds consistency – If your follow up plan follows the same pattern with every product, your perfect potential customer subconsciously falls into a rhythm with you. Consistency creates a reassuring air of professionalism, letting the reader know that you are not going to disappear off into the ether again next week – which she can depend on you. Contrast that with the pattern many inexperienced marketers develop: Of wildly blitzing their list with 2 or 3 emails; then disappearing for 6 or 7 months – during which time they actually forget who the marketer is.
3. Follow Up Sets you ahead of the competition – The simple truth is, for every one marketer who follows up, there are often hundreds of would-be competitors who don’t. And it’s the rare few people in life who take the time to thank you, follow through on their word, take responsibility for their actions and who apologize unhesitatingly if they make a mistake who stick in our minds as top-drawer people.
It also tells your potential fan or customer that you are not the sort of person who’s in it for the quick buck: That you respect them and care about their needs.
Making Your Reputation
We’ve mentioned how consistent follow up can build trust… but the truth is, follow up can do more than that: It can make or break your reputation: Be inconsistent, or forget to keep your word, and you will lose customers for life.
Be reliable every time – and you will keep them.
It all boils down to habits – yours, in always being reliable, presenting follow up opportunities at every stage: Your customer’s, in getting into the habit of buying from you… and looking for your offers.
You want to get them to the place where they welcome your emails, and write to tell you, “Yours are the emails I never skip!”
Ignoring the Obvious
So where can you add a follow up?
Everywhere! There are so many opportunities. Do it after your new list member has downloaded their free report, video, template or audio file. (“Did you have a chance to download “5 Easy Pieces” yet? If so, you may have noticed…”)
Do it during your free email mini-course. Do it at the end.
Do it before the sale, and at every step of the process.
And especially do it after the sale or the initial offer “expiration”.
But no matter where you position your power-packing follow ups, there’s one other action you need to take. And that is… “Just ask”.
The One Follow Up Step that’s Easy to Miss
Follow up emails, recordings or articles are the ridiculously obvious place to include a call to action, yet it’s surprising how many people fail to remember this!
Your readers and fans are not mind readers. As one colleague recently said to me, “You know, when someone wants me to mind read, I tell them I took ESP 101 nine times… and I still failed the course every time.” Help your potential list members and customers out by inviting them to take the next logical step – your particular call to action for particular follow up contact.
Help them eagerly ask you the ultimate question: “So where do I click to buy?”
If they’ve already bought, don’t be afraid to follow up with suggestions at how they might want to augment their new product, take advantage of a special OTO (one time offer) or upgrade to the next level.
Other Details- 25 Articles (TXT)
- 1 Ebook (PDF), 26 Pages
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- 2 Ecovers (PNG)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2018
- File Size: 2,112 KB
License Details:
[YES] Can sell and keep 100% of the sales.
[YES] Can edit the squeeze page.
[YES] Can be bundled into another paid package and sell at a higher price.
[YES] Can be used as a bonus to another product you are selling.
[YES] Can be sold in a Dime sale event.
[YES] Can be added into a paid membership site.
[YES] Can pass on the Master Resell Rights privilege to your customers.
[YES] Can be given away for free AGAINST an email address (lead generation)
[NO] Contents of the product can be edited, modified or altered.