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PLR Ebook Table Of Contents
Introduction – What’s The Purpose Of Staying Young? 3
Staying Young Is About Attitude And Mindset 5
Why You Should Refrain From Negative Thoughts 6
Look, Think And Feel Young 7
Healthy Eating And Nutrition 8
Taking Vitamins And Supplements 10
The Secrets To Staying Young 11
Kick The Nicotine Habit 14
Lay Off Of The Booze 15
Drug Addictions 16
Get Plenty Of Rest 18
Your Emotions 20
Make New Friends 22
A Pet Can Be Just What You Need 23
Conclusion 24
Resources 25
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Introduction – What’s The Purpose Of Staying Young?
What’s the purpose of staying young, you ask. Well, there are a lot of positive aspects of staying young in a person’s life. Staying young is something that is in demand now. There are many ways that you can look and feel that way, especially without having to shell out a lot of money.
How you do define being “young”? Being youthful describes a state of mind, body and heart. Being young usually refers to being healthy and that your mind is sharp. It is important to a lot of people as to why they would not want to age.
Some people know that aging can present some effects that they don’t want others to see. It can also slow them down from functioning, which is something a lot of people don’t want.
The Factors Of Aging
The aging process is not always a pretty sight. It causes changes that affect you internally as well as externally. The two places that they are noticeable are the hair and the skin. You can also feel a difference in your tissues and cells, but you won’t see them. However, you may feel them inside your body. When you age, it affects each cell in your body.
The presence of fat comes about on your tissues and other organs inside your body. Because of this, your organs slowly start losing cells and your body doesn’t function like it used to. Your bones, muscles and skin began to get stiff.
The cell membranes lose their ability to retain oxygen and start releasing carbon dioxide. Since there are so many cells in your body, you probably won’t recognize that your body is constantly losing cells and therefore your body’s ability to function is weakened.
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* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Included Graphics: Ecovers
* Number of Pages: 25
* Download File Size: 468 KB