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{Structured settlement may not be part of your everyday language, yet it is very important to those who have one or two dealings with an insurance company. It is an agreement on which an insurance provider agrees to make payment at determine periods to a victim of an accident based on the money awarded as settlement.|Lately structured settlements are increasingly becoming very popular and being resort to, in that they provide large chunk of benefits to everyone involved in the settlement contract. |Do you know what structured settlement means? Structured settlement literary means a financial benefit that allows certain amount to be paid out at intervals of say every month or annually sometimes, this kind of payment could span for a life time.}
{When the term structured settlement is mentioned what comes to mind is a kind of financial package designed by insurance companies targeted to compensate a policy holder or his family. Sometimes immediate payment could be made to help alleviate special damages that is being experienced or that will be experienced in the near future. |Structured settlement as a package, first came into existence in the 1970s and had its origin from Canada. From then it has rapidly moved into the United States of America. These system has also spread to other countries around the globe. }
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