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Exercise isn’t just beneficial for the body. It has a powerful positive impact on both physical and mental well-being. Besides, exercise also releases dopaminine, oxytocin and serotonin into the system, resulting in an almost euphoric effect without having to consume any drugs. Once you have started this habit, you will feel more motivated, more mental clarity as well as be more emotionally sound. People who exercise regularly tend to be happier across the board. Also, they tend to be less stresssed, angry, anxious and depressed. In addition, exercise doesn’t just help you maintain your health and attractiveness. Studies have shown that it acts as antidepressants which keeps you happy. Based on research, exercising physically is simply mind-boggling; how physical exercise brings positive impacts to both physical and mental health. It’s known to be as powerful as the most effecitve psychiatric medication in the absence of side effects. Researchers believe that physical exercise can protect bodies against some of the illness that can hit people in their later lives which include cognitive decline but it can also help stave off feelings of depression and anxiety to individuals of different age groups. When dealing with patients suffering from attention-deficit disorder or depression, doing physical exercise is highly recommended by most psychologists as it works wonders. As stated by the NEF report, “we do not have to do plenty of them, even as minimal as running 3 separate 30-minute sessions a week or brisk walking could be beneficial”. However, in general, the longer and more intense the physical activity is, the better the impact on health. But as the NEF report has pointed out, even a single exercise session of 10 minutes or less can have a positive effect on one’s mental health. However, one study found that habit formation takes an average time of 66 days to solidify but may happen anywhere between 18 to 254 days. Therefore, do not get
discouraged if you feel lethargic or demotivated to exercise at first as you are going to take time to develop the habit to exercise. Essential Habit #2 : Wellness Another important ritual of happiness and fulfillment is to develop wellness. Wellness means doing anything to enhance your body and overall health. For example, being engaged in any activities of self-pampering is of paramount importance for mental health and happiness. This could include one or a combination of the following: meditating, getting a hot bath, getting sufficient sleep, drinking plenty of water, taking your vitamins, eating food that are both nourishing and healthy, getting a massage and many more. Happiness, vitality and emotional stability is directly affected when you’re sleep deprived. It is of paramount importance to get quality sleep every night in order to be productive, think creatively, and make wise decisions. Sleep scientists stated that the average person needs at least 7.5 – 9 hours every night. Apart from getting sufficient sleep, the practice of meditation is one of the most effective technique to live a happier life. Meditation is an effective ancient practice that helps us to control our mind and thoughts as well as enjoy living in the moment. In other words, meditation is a kind of exercise for the brain. When meditation is practiced regularly, part of the brain filled with negative thoughts, anxiety and depression is reduced whereas the other part of the brain filled with joy, fulfillment, and peace is increased. It also boosts parts of the brain responsible in controlling emotions and managing attention.
Furthermore, being mindful enables you to be more entirely involved in your surroundings and hence more aware and appreciative of everything. To meditate, its not necessary to be religious or even spiritual to reap its advantages. No pan flutes, chanting, or yoga pants are needed during meditation. Mindfulness meditation is a simple task which can be carried out by anyone, anywhere and anytime. It is not necessary to sit on a mountain and say a mantra in order to meditate. To begin, there are a several mindfulness exercises for you to practice such as body scanning, walking meditation and mindful eating. Through body scanning, mindfulness is cultivated by paying attention on your different body parts. To do this, you should focus on your feet first and slowly move upwards like progressive muscle relaxation. Rather than relaxing and tensing your muscles, you should concentrate on the feelings obtained from every part of your body without judging them as either “pleasant” or “unpleasant”. Meditation should be made a habit or a daily ritual, as the poet John Dryden once said “We first make our habits and then our habits make us.” Meditation also does not need you to be in a sitting posture or still. Mindfulness in walking meditation includes focusing on every step you take – how you feel when your feet touches the ground, your flow of breath while you move, and when the wind blows against your face. Next, if you hunt for food especially when you’re stressed out or swallow your food down hurrily, you should attempt to eat mindfully. All you have to do is take a seat at the table and give undivided attention to your food without any distractions from television, newspaper and others.
Take your time to eat slowly so that you can enjoy fully and focus on every bite. If you are able to implement a practice of mindfulness meditation, you will eventually start to realize and savor life’s pleasures more.
Essential Habit #3 : Develop Positive Thinking The third essential habit that leads to fulfillment and happiness is to emphasize on cultivating positivity. Our brains tend to be more aware of something unpleasant that has happened rather than the good things. Therefore, our brains should be trained to develop positive thinking. However, this does not mean wearing a fake smile everyday or sing a happy song regardless of what is happening. You should not ignore reality and act like everything is amazing even when things are not going your way. Mulling over negative things contributes to anxiety and depression whereas deciding to observe, appreciate and expect positivity is a strong cheerfulness booster.
Allowing yourself to feel grateful can make a big impact in your total happiness. Research has shown that gratitude helps to trigger positive feelings, have a good feeling about yourself, build better relationships and enhance the immune system of your body. A new study proves that gratitude causes you to be more penny-wise on things you spend on. There are multiple simple tasks you can benefit from to boost and develop an attitude of gratitude. Firstly, you should learn to thank others sincerely. When someone lends u a hand and ease your day, be fast to thank them and show your appreciation no matter how big or small the favour is. It does not only cause the person to be happy as you will also gain a happiness lift from it. It becomes an immediate reward to observe how an expression of gratitude can make a positive change in someone else’s day. Then, you will realize that there’s a connection between humans and the things we do to each other matters. According to research, owning a gratitude diary is an effective way to make you feel more contented right away as you will feel more connection with other people and become genuinely appreciative. It is also important to make a mental list of the things you appreciate about your life, whether small or big, as well as counting your blessings. Make a routine to reflect on everything you are thankful for regularly, notice all the wonderful people you’ve come across in life who have taught you valuable lessons, your past experiences whether good and bad as well as the things you have in your life now. It is of paramount importance to accept the negative event from your past as you can gain positive lessons from even the most painful experiences. You will definitely be happier and more grateful when you can find meaning in even the bad things you’ve experienced.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 13 Pages
- 1 Audio (MP3)
- 2 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2022
- File Size: 5,381 KB
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