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PLR Ebook Table Of Contents
Introduction – 4
Part 1 – Set Financial Priorities – 6
1. Set Goals – 6
2. Write It Down And Stick To It – 9
3. Be Proactive – 11
4. Savings First – 13
Part 2 – Save Money On Summer Spending – 16
1. Turn Summer into a Financial Teaching Game – 16
2. Grocery Savings In Summer – 19
3. Savings On Your Electric Bill – 23
4. Summer Wardrobe – 28
5. Thrifty Summer Party Ideas – 31
6. Reduce Your Summer Driving Costs – 34
7. Save On Child Related Expenses – 37
8. Grow Your Own Food And Save Money – 39
9. Cheap And Kid Friendly Holiday Ideas – 42
10. Cash Budgeting System – 49
11. A Must Do Saving Exercise For Everyone – 51
Conclusion – 54
PLR Ebook Sample Content Preview
Let’s face it – the economy is putting a strain on quite a bit of families. More people live paycheck to paycheck than ever before. More people are looking for money saving tips in order to keep their household in survival mode. We’ve all been at a point in our life in which we need to find ways to cut expenses and live more frugally. It isn’t always easy to make changes and put a few extra bucks into our pockets, but every little bit of savings helps – no matter how minor it may be.
When looking for money saving tips during summer, evaluate your lifestyle. Do you visit Starbucks or a convenience store every morning for that must-have cup of coffee? Do you use your lunch breaks to eat takeout every day? If you’re addicted to coffee or lunch on the go, you’d be surprised at how quickly you can begin to save money. Let’s say that you spend $4.00 on coffee each morning. That’s $20 for the work week. Make coffee before you leave for work, put it in a coffee cup and you’ve just saved yourself some money. And, let’s say that you spend at least $5 each workday on lunch. That’s $25 each week. If you pack a lunch, you could save $100 each month. The little things that we spend money on each day and never think twice about can really add up.
Other Details* Sales Page: Included, HTML
* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 53
* Included Graphics: Ecovers, PSD
* Extras: Banners
* Extras: 5 Articles
* Extras: Keyword Report
* Extras: HD Promo Video
* Download File Size: 104,937 KB