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Table of Contents
Introduction ……. 8
Chapter 1: The Basics of Your Immune System . 10
Innate Immune System …………. 10
Skin ……….. 10
Immune Cells ………………….. 11
Adaptive Immune System ……… 12
Lymphatic System ………………… 13
Chapter 2: Healthy Lifestyle and What to Avoid . 15
Sedentary Lifestyle ………………. 16
Alcohol ……….. 17
Smoking ……… 17
Stress …………. 17
Food to Avoid . 17
Sleep Deprivation …………………. 18
Chapter 3: Food to Heal …………. 21
Meat and Alternatives …………… 21
Vegetables ….. 23
Carrots …… 23
Garlic …….. 24
Spinach ….. 24
Sweet Potatoes ……………….. 25
Fruits ………….. 25
Citrus Fruits…………………….. 25
Blueberries 26
Watermelon…………………….. 26
Pomegranates …………………. 26
Spices ………… 27
Turmeric …. 27
Mushrooms …. 27
Reishi …….. 28
Agarikon …. 28
Chapter 4: Supplements for Support ………………. 30
Selenium …….. 30
Vitamin E…….. 30
Vitamin C ……. 31
Vitamin D ……. 31
Black Elderberry …………………… 31
Zinc ……………. 31
Chapter 5: Managing Stress in Your Life ………… 34
Adopt a Positive Attitude ……….. 34
Practice Mindfulness …………….. 35
Chapter 6: Exercising and Detoxifying ……………. 37
Stretch for Relaxation …………… 37
Yoga for the Immune System …. 38
Detoxifying the Body …………….. 38
Chapter 7: Sleep and Renewing the Body ………. 41
Create a Routine ………………….. 41
Set a Comfortable Atmosphere . 42
Avoid This …… 42
Talk to an Expert ………………….. 43
Chapter 8: Essential Oils ……….. 45
Eucalyptus Oil …………………. 45
Lavender Oil……………………. 46
Tea Tree Oil ……………………. 47
Chapter 9: 21-Day Plan ………….. 49
Preparation for the 21 Days …… 50
Chapter 10: Recipes to Boost Your Immune System ……………….. 69
Breakfast …….. 69
Blueberry smoothie ………….. 69
Berry Parfait ……………………. 70
Lunch …………. 71
Sunflower Seed Salad ……… 71
Lentil Stew 72
Dinner ………… 73
Salmon Kabob ………………… 73
Lemon Baked Chicken ……… 74
Snacks ……….. 75
Trail Mix …. 75
Curried Chickpeas …………… 76
Conclusion ……. 78
Sample Content Preview
Sedentary Lifestyle
A sedentary lifestyle will likely increase the cholesterol in your body. It is also connected with higher blood pressure. Since the heart and the immune system work together as a strong team against disease, it is extremely important to keep the heart healthy. Daily exercise is very important and will be covered in more detail in chapter 6.
Alcohol is a toxin that can cause a lot of inflammation in the body. To prevent that defense mechanism from being activated, you should avoid drinking alcohol. When you drink, you decrease your immune system’s ability to fight off the harmful bacteria and put yourself at more risk of getting sick.
Smoking puts you at higher susceptibility to lung infections like pneumonia. To increase the efficiency of your immune system, you should avoid smoking at all costs.
Stress is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to getting sick. Since it can be a complex issue that doesn’t always have an easy solution, we will cover this subject in more detail in Chapter 5.
Food to Avoid
Anything that comes in a box, in the freezer section of the store or a can, should be avoided; unless you are 100% sure that no sugar or salt is added to the food. You can change your diet to be mostly whole food (more on this in chapter 3). By cutting the processed food, reduce the chances of inflammation in the body. You should also avoid sugar as much as you can, since it hurts your metabolism, and can cause chronic diseases like diabetes or heart problems. Chronic diseases increase your risk of getting sick from a virus.
Sleep Deprivation
People who donon’’t get enough sleep (7 to 9 hours per night) tend to get sicker. To t get enough sleep (7 to 9 hours per night) tend to get sicker. To ensure that your immune system is functioning optimally, you need to make sure ensure that your immune system is functioning optimally, you need to make sure that you get adequate sleep. Since sleep is critical to our immune system, we that you get adequate sleep. Since sleep is critical to our immune system, we have dedicated a whole have dedicated a whole chapter to that subject (chapterchapter to that subject (chapter 7).
Although daily stress, sedentary lifestyle, and lack of sleep are things that you can change, your best defense remains good hygiene. Limit, as much as you can, your exposure to the virus or bacteria. Let’s explore what you can change today and identify the food that you can eat to help heal your body.
Food is essential to our body to work optimally. We get most of the nutrients and antioxidants we need from fruits and vegetables. That antioxidants we need from fruits and vegetables. That said, you need to ensure said, you need to ensure that you have a diet that includes as many fruits and vegetables to get the that you have a diet that includes as many fruits and vegetables to get the nutrients and antioxidants that will help strengthen your immune nutrients and antioxidants that will help strengthen your immune system. system. That would mean a diet that contains vitamin E, vitamin D, and selenium.
These are rarely found in processed food (unless enriched), and your body has more chances of absorbing what it needs when you eat fresh whole foods.. Leafy greens, nuts, citrus fruits are all excellent choices of foods that are high in nutrients and antioxidants that are known to boost your immune system.
Here’s a list of food that you will want to have on your weekly grocery list.
Meat and Alternatives
Brazil nuts are at the top of our list because it is one of the most reliable sources of selenium. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant and is one of the essential minerals for our health and immunity. Just one nut can provide up to 96 micrograms (mcg), which is already above the daily recommendation. The daily intake recommendation is 55 micrograms of selenium for an adult.
Fish and, more specifically, tuna is an excellent source of selenium. One ounce of tuna can provide around 30 mcg of selenium. Other fish and seafood are usually between 12 mcg and 20 mcg of selenium per ounce. Salmon is also a good choice to help the immune system. It contains a lot of “healthy fat” (omega-3), which is known to strengthen the immune system and reduce the risks of heart disease.
If you eat a vegan or vegetarian diet, lentils are a great substitute to fish. One cup of lentils can provide around 6 mcg of selenium. They are also a good source of immune-boosting nutrients, fiber, and protein.
Other Details- 10 Articles (TXT, DOC)
- 1 Ebook (PDF), 78 Pages
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- Checklist, Resource Cheat Sheet, Mindmap, Optin Page, Social Media Images, Email Swipes
- Year Released/Circulated: 2020
- File Size: 53,441 KB
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