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PLR Ebook Table Of Contents
Brief Introduction
What Is This Report All About? 4
The Concept of “Selling Shovels”
A Little Background on Where the Entire Concept of “Shovel Selling” Came From Originally 5
Shovel Hunt Method #1
How To Convert Factual Information Into Hot Selling Products 8
Shovel Hunt Method #2
How You Can Turn Common Problems Into Money Makers Instantly 10
Shovel Hunt Method #3
Getting “Interactive” With Your Idea Searches 19
Shovel Hunt Method #4
Using The Words “How To” Can Earn Big Time Profits 22
Shovel Hunt Method #5
Spying On Your Competitors Can Be Fruitful To Your Idea Bottom Line 25
Final Conclusion 28
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The Concept Of Selling Shovels
So, what is this “selling shovels” concept and how can we use it to our advantage?
Well, along while back, during the “gold rush” many people traveled out to the “wild west” to find their fortunes through gold digging. Not many made it.
But, a few smart cookies who knew that gold digging and panning just wasn’t for them came up with a different way to cash in. Instead, they decided to sell gold hunting supplies to those that were convinced they would find their fortunes.
And THOSE few smart cookies discovered it was much easier to earn profits hand over fist by selling “shovels” to those searching for the gold all the while getting their part of the riches without all the back breaking work!
That’s OUR goal here. To sell the “gold diggers” their “supplies”.
And, how do we do that?
Well, it’s a might easier than you would think it is.
Here’s the concept in a nutshell. . .
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* Number of Pages: 26
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