Salespage Snapshot:

Table of Contents
Introduction – You Really Are What You Eat!. 6
Why Change Your Diet? … 8
The Good News 9
What You Will Learn … 10
Chapter 1: Understanding Diet and Your Health .. 12
Calories and Energy … 13
How to Lose Weight With Calorie Counting … 14
Carbs vs Fats.. 16
Chapter 2: The Problem With Ready Meals and Snacking .. 18
The Protein You Need 19
Micronutrients . 20
Empty Calories Are the Enemy!.. 25
Chapter 3: Putting it all Together for Simple, Clean Eating 30
Step #1 – Calorie Deficit . 31
Step #2 – Cut Out All Junk Food 31
Step #3 – Seek Out Nutrient Dense Foods 32
Chapter 4: How to Cook Faster and Spend Less Time in the Kitchen 35
Top Tricks to Spend Less Time Cooking 36
Chapter 5: Simple Breakfast Options to Start the Day Right .. 41
Chapter 6: Simple Lunch Recipes Anyone Can Enjoy. 46
Chapter 7: Easy Dinner Recipes 49
Chapter 8: Healthy Guilt-Free Dessert Recipes and Snacks… 53
How to Snack.. 54
Chapter 9: Other Ways to Get Healthy Meals – Meal Deals and More 57
Eating Out… 58
Chapter 10: Easy Ways to Reduce Your Calories and Junk Foods 60
Conclusion and Summary – Your Plan for Sticking to Healthy, Low
Calorie Meals … 62
Sample Content Preview
Introduction – You Really Are What You Eat!
Have you ever heard the saying: ‘you are what you eat’? On the face of it, this might seem like something of a meaningless statement. Sure, it sounds good…. But what does it actually mean? While the saying might be clichéd, the fact is that it is far more accurate than most people realize. You literally are what you eat; to the point where every last molecule in your body will have come from something you consumed (or your mother consumed if you’re still young!).
This is perhaps most apparent when you look at protein. When you consume protein, your body breaks it down into the constituent amino acids. These amino acids are then in turn recombined in order to form our muscles, our hormones, our bones and even our brains!
Meanwhile, we use acids from our foods to trigger reactions between the different nutrients in our diets and to allow them to combine and dissolve as necessary. Vitamins and minerals perform a range of other tasks, further aiding in the construction of various body parts, hormones, neurotransmitters, bones and more.
Your body simply recycles what you put into it and uses it to keep on building you.
At the same time, it is also our food that gives us the energy we need to function. Carbohydrates and fats fuel the process of constantly healing, growing and changing our bodies as well as being used for their nutrition as well.
And our bodies adapt to the amount of energy and the amount of sustenance they’re given. If we don’t get enough of what we need, then gradually our bodies change shape to do without. If we eat too many calories, we store them as fats. If we consume too much sugar, we become less sensitive to insulin…
So understand this: our bodies are constantly changing. The only question then is whether you want to be growing and improving, or deteriorating. The biggest deciding factor in determining this outcome? That would be your diet!
Other Details- 20 Articles (TXT, DOC)
- 1 Ebook (PDF), 64 Pages
- 2 Graphics (JPG, GIF, PNG)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- Social Media Images, Email Swipes, Optin Page, Mindmap, Resource Cheat Sheet, Checklist
- Year Released/Circulated: 2016
- File Size: 16,524 KB
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