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There is an expression that I would like you to learn right now. This is an expression as well as a way of thinking that you must get in your head and it will help you in all areas of your weight loss journey. It will help you to reach your goal…whatever that may be.
Whether you want to lose a few pounds, or if you want to completely transform your body. The mentality I want you to program inside your circuitry is this:
I’m Leaner and More Fit Today Than I was Yesterday
This simple, 10 Word Sentence is more powerful to you than anything else in this guide. This sentence should be printed and kept with you at all times. It should be your Mantra for the duration you spend on achieving your weight loss goals.
Failure to lose weight is as simple as being in the wrong mindset. The same could be said about completely transforming your body to that of the physical appearance you wish to achieve. You mindset plays a crucial role!!!
Believing the sentence above can, will and should become something you say at every meal, each time you wake in the morning, or before you shut your eyes to fall asleep…this is what will make your journey successful.
The times when you are about to fall off your “Weight Loss Wagon,” this is the time you repeat your Mantra…and you will soon find that it becomes easy to stay the path.
And now that we have gotten the “Lose Weight With The Right Mentality” preaching out of the way….Lets Rock!!!
Other Details* Sales Page: Included, HTML
* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 26
* Included Graphics: Ecovers
* Extras: Keyword
* Download File Size: 18,183 KB