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Hello “autoresponder code here”,
In the last issue, we talked about talk about the practice of gratitude. In this issue, we are going to go to talk about making the Law of Attraction work for you.
If you want something, all you have to do is ask for it. Sweeter words have never been spoken. It would be like a dream come true. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be true. Good things really can be yours just from asking for them.
When you know how to ask. That’s the key. Knowing how to ask, and knowing what to ask for. You can ask for anything you want. But asking for a new car when you really want a Porsche, doesn’t mean you’ll be satisfied with just “a new car”. And just saying “I want a Porsche” and then going on about your life as usual probably won’t get it for you.
Focusing your thoughts on getting that new Porsche, picturing yourself driving it, truly believing you deserve it, and allowing it to come to you is the way to get it.
Just asking is only the first step in the Law of Attraction. Feeling and acting as if you’ve received it is the second, knowing you deserve it and allowing it to come to you is the third.
Having doubts about your worthiness produces negative energy. Negative energy produces negative results. If you don’t think you deserve a new Porsche, you won’t get it. If you don’t think the Law of Attraction works, it won’t work for you.
Positive energy is the only way to get positive results. And positive energy is only produced by positive thoughts.
“We are unlimited beings…we have no ceilings” ~Michael Beckwith
The same principle can be applied to the opening of a new business as well. If you have ever gone to high school, you have probably received the lecture on what to do and what not to do in an interview. One of the biggest don’ts in interviewing protocol is to let the interviewer see that you’re nervous. By showing the interviewer that you have confidence in your ability to handle any job which they throw at you, you’re increasing your value as an employee in their eyes.
The same can be said of any attempts to open a business. It is essential when approaching prospective investors that you have one hundred percent confidence in yourself and your business in order to guarantee that they will be willing to take a chance on you.
Is this need for absolute confidence a coincidence only, or is it the Law of Attraction at work?
By having confidence in your abilities, you’re sending positive energy out into the universe, and consequently drawing the positive energies currently existing in the universe back unto yourself.
It is impossible to over-emphasize the importance of vibrating positive energy when you’re talking about the law of attraction, and you will see this theme repeated in any and all conversations pertaining to it. The release of positive energy into the universe is what allows you to chart the course of your destiny on a strong route to success rather than a wavy road of uncertainty that will eventually lead you to unhappiness, either through the failure to achieve the goals for which you have worked so hard or through the constant up and down flow of your life, never being certain which is going to dominate.
Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about love, family and the law of attraction.
Until then,
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Sample Extra Titles
The Biggest Myth About Law of Attraction Exposed
The Do’s and Don’ts Of Law of Attraction
A Review Of Law of Attraction
The Little-Known Secrets To Law of Attraction
The Fundamentals Of Law of Attraction Revealed
The One Thing To Do For Law of Attraction
The Do This, Get That Guide On Law of Attraction
What The In-Crowd Won’t Tell You About Law of Attraction
The Lost Secret Of Law of Attraction
Whispered Law of Attraction Secrets
A Secret Weapon For Law of Attraction
The Argument About Law of Attraction
Law of Attraction Fundamentals Explained
Whatever They Told You About Law of Attraction Is Dead Wrong…And Here’s Why
The Nuisances Of Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction Cover Up
Facts, Fiction and Law of Attraction
The Pain of Law of Attraction
Law of Attraction for Dummies
The Law of Attraction Game
The Upside to Law of Attraction
Law of Attraction No Longer a Mystery
The New Fuss About Law of Attraction
7 Questions and Answers to Law of Attraction
The Downside Risk of Law of Attraction That No One is Talking About
The Top 5 Most Asked Questions About Law of Attraction
And More…
Sample Extra Paragraphs
I think you owe it to yourself to delve deeper into this mysterious Universe and learn as much as you can about the laws that govern your life. When you truly understand the Law Of Attraction and begin to work with it for you personal advantage, I promise you, your life will change in fantastic, unexpected and unlimited ways.
All knowledge and no practice leads to an understanding without results. Many people are like this, they acquire lots of knowledge but never use it. Many times the knowledge is incomplete. What makes the knowledge complete is having an actual technique a step by step plan to make that knowledge work.
Thinking about your fears and saying “I don’t want that” is probably going to result in your fears being realized. Cosmic energy is literal. It doesn’t understand “I don’t want”.
It produces results based on energy. So, if you’re producing more negative energy than positive, your results are going to be negative. Training your mind to concentrate on the positive instead of the negative is a necessary, but often difficult process. People are worriers.
Haanel set out in a 24-part correspondence course, which is now condensed into one volume called “The Master Key System”, a complete guide to successfully using the Law Of Attraction! It was banned by the Church in 1933 due to its revelations. This is allegedly the book Bill Gates read before he created Microsoft!
Learning to control your thoughts can be done by learning to control your will. By mastering yourself. Phrases like “I am master of myself” can lead you in the right direction.
And More…
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