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Table of Contents
Introduction ……… 5
Chapter 1: The Past: It’s Gone Forever 8
Life is a Journey ……… 9
The Past is an Experience .. 10
The Past Cannot Be Changed……. 13
Chapter 2: Dangers of Getting Stuck in the Past …. 16
Chapter 3: Why the Past Doesn’t Equal the Future 26
The Past is a Closed Chapter…….. 26
The Future is a Blank Page 28
The Past is a Shadow ……… 29
The Past Doesn’t Define You ……. 31
Chapter 4: Benefits of Forging Ahead ……… 34
High Self-Esteem ….. 34
Prevention Of Depression .. 36
Healthy Relationships ……. 37
Finish Strong . 38
Have A Testimony … 39
Chapter 5: How to Bounce Back From Past Failures ……. 42
Treat The Past As A Lesson ……… 42
Surround Yourself With Positive People ……… 44
Leverage Your Strengths …. 45
Receive More Training …… 46
Chapter 6: Great People Who Had Rough Pasts …. 50
Benjamin Graham … 50
Oprah Winfrey ……… 52
Rihanna ……… 53
Abraham Lincoln ….. 54
Nicki Minaj …. 55
Eminem ……… 56
Chapter 7: Overcoming Negative Self-Talk .. 58
The Monkey Mind…. 58
Self-Fulfilling Prophecies .. 62
Self-Sabotage Behaviors …. 64
Chapter 8: Making Plans for a Better Future …….. 67
Build Positive Self-Image .. 67
Build Self-Esteem …. 69
Set Goals ……… 71
Practice Journaling .. 72
Practice Meditation . 73
Celebrate Every Progress … 74
Conclusion 76
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The Past Cannot Be Changed
You cannot move on from the past and focus on the present if you don’t realize that you cannot change the past. The truth is that it is gone forever. All you can do is to ensure that you make the best out of the present and your future. It is normal that you feel hurt when you made a mistake that cost you a golden opportunity. In the same way, you will also feel bad if you did something that ruined your relationship.
However, you need to learn to forgive yourself and realize that you cannot undo what you have done. Besides, who says you cannot get an even better opportunity than the one you missed? Some people make statements like “Opportunity comes but once” but it is not true. Life often presents us with better opportunities than the ones we have missed previously. Nonetheless, many people end up missing those chances again because they are not prepared for them. They were not ready because they were still thinking about their past failures.
In the same way, it is not true that you cannot find a better lady or man than the one that broke up with you. Moreover, if a person truly loves you, he or she will be willing to overlook your mistakes and stick with you during your low moments. So, the fact that the person broke up with you because of your mistakes can be a blessing in disguise in the long run.
You might still find a person who will love you and stick with you come rain, come shine. Nonetheless, you will never be able to find such a person when you are still stuck in the past. You will not give better people the opportunity to win your heart again because you are still thinking about your ex. You cannot change the past. It is time to start over!
Chapter 2: Dangers of Getting Stuck in the Past
When you have refused to start over, you are endangering yourself in various ways. As earlier mentioned, it can make you lose sight of the opportunities around you. This chapter explores what you stand to lose when you’re stuck in the past.
According to the World Health Organization, depression is a leading psychological problem affecting millions of people around the world. Note that depression is different from the occasional mood swings we have because of an unpleasant event. Depression is more intense and persistent than that. When you are depressed, you will not want to talk to anyone. You will prefer to stay on your bed rather than go out to have social interactions. At that moment, everything in the world becomes colorless and tasteless to you.
Note that depression can become fatal in the long run. It can lead to suicidal ideation. In other words, depression can make you feel like taking your life. Meanwhile, you should never get to that point. There is nothing worth it in this world that should make you feel that taking your life is the best option. As long as you are still alive, you can still rewrite your story. No one is denying that you are hurt, but you cannot get stuck in the past. The price can be too costly.
Guilt can become a serious issue when you feel that you could have done things differently. It is that feeling you have when you’re at fault. You wish you didn’t make the choice that led to the disastrous outcome, and it is weighing down on you. According to Socrates, “an unchecked life is not worthwhile.” So, it is normal that you think about your mistakes and learn from them so that you can be better prepared for future events.
However, it is a problem when you cannot let go of the negative emotions you have from that experience. Note that you cannot separate guilt from depression. In other words, when you are feeling bad about yourself because of your past mistakes, you can eventually become depressed. Remember that depression can lead to suicidal thoughts. So, you will be doing yourself a lot of good by letting go of the past. It’s good that you are not happy about your mistakes. Nevertheless, you need to move on.
You can feel ashamed of yourself due to moral failure. For example, if you cheated on your partner, you might feel bad about the action for a long time, especially if the person broke up with you because of that. In the same way, you might feel ashamed if your personal sex clip was uploaded on social media. No one can deny that these situations will make you stigmatized for a while. Nonetheless, your story has not ended unless you decide to quit.
It is noteworthy that no man can walk out of his own story. You have to end it somewhere, somehow. You can either choose to stand up and heal your wound or choose to be defined by your past mistakes. The truth is that there are people out there who are still willing to give you an opportunity to prove yourself. However, you will miss those opportunities when you keep thinking that you don’t deserve to be loved and respected because of what you did in the past.
Lack of Focus
It is challenging to be focused when you are thinking about the past. You will struggle to make plans or set goals because you are still thinking about what could have been. This situation is common to people who were close to achieving something monumental, but it didn’t work out eventually. So, they feel that it is not likely they get it right again. It’s not true that you cannot achieve success again because things went south the last time.
However, you need to be focused. Don’t let a sour relationship make you a monster. Stop saying things like you can never love anyone like you loved your ex again. You’re only reacting because you felt bad about the heartbreak. In the same way, you should not be lackadaisical in your attitude in your new job because your last boss treated you badly. You have a new opportunity to rewrite your story, don’t ruin it.
Poor Performance
You cannot be at your best when you’re not emotionally stable. People going through heartbreaks often find it difficult to perform at the same level they used to perform before the incident. When you allow the thoughts of your mistakes or a negative event in the past to keep coming at you, you will either be slow while executing a project or carry it out shabbily.
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF), 77 Pages
- 2 Graphics (PNG)
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- 1 Promotional Ad Material (Emails)
- Checklist, Mind Map, Landing Page, Lead Magnet, VSL
- Year Released/Circulated: 2021
- File Size: 42,193 KB
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