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PLR Ebook Table Of Contents
What is Multiple Sclerosis
Diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis
Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis
Treatments for MS
Alternative Therapies
Diet and Nutrition
Managing the Disease
Progressive MS and Schilder’s Disease
Multiple Sclerosis and Finances
Multiple Sclerosis and Genetics
Pregnancy and MS
Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis
Erectile Dysfunction and MS
Leukemia and Multiple Sclerosis
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What is Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune condition which occurs when the antibodies inside a person’s body attack certain parts of the central nervous system, bringing about several problems in relation to it. This illness has become a big issue both for patients and the medical experts dealing with it because it can affect a person greatly and there is so little known about it that up to now there is no known cause or cure for the illness.
Multiple sclerosis more commonly occurs in young adults that are around the ages of 20 to 40 and is more prevalent in women and in some races. It occurs in around 2 to 150 out of every 150,000 people. It was first defined in 1868 by acclaimed French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot.
Although there are no known causes or cures, cases of it have been managed well, although it is quite difficult. Unlike most illnesses, multiple sclerosis is unusually broad since a many symptoms that are inherent to it are also inherent in many other illnesses. This makes it very difficult for doctors to diagnose if a person has MS, however, some tests have proven helpful in diagnosing this illness.
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* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 51
* Download File Size: 179 KB