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Ebook Table Of Contents
Ch 1 Initial decisions
Ch 2 Time and Money
Ch 3 Your Wedding style
Ch 4 Check list and guest list
Ch 5 Who is doing what
Ch 6 Review
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Chapter One –
Initial Decisions
Oh joy, oh tears, oh boy. Are you in for some fun!!
Planning a wedding can be wonderful. It can also be stressful, nerve wracking, personally testing, expensive, time consuming, and a lesson in treading on egg shells, as there are people who you really do not want to upset. Like your Mom, and your partners’ Mom.
First of all, there are some really major important decisions to be made, so it is a good idea to start in a very organized way. Consider this to be a military operation; you have to organize and keep on track and in doing so, you won’t go too far wrong. Decide you will be keeping extensive records, and will need to review each detail in good time. Invest in lots of pencils or a dedicated lap top with a good spreadsheet. You may need to take a course first!
First, you need to consider and decide who is really in charge of the decision making.
This is, of course, a question very closely related to the question of ‘who is paying for what? ‘
If your parents are paying for the wedding, do they expect to have a major role in the decision making? Usually, ‘he who pays the piper plays the tune’.
Other Details* Sales Page: Included, HTML
* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 40
* Included Graphics: Ecovers, PSD
* Extras: 30 Articles
* Download File Size: 1,344 KB