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Table of Contents
Human Beings Are Social Creatures …….. 3
Know What a Friend Is in a 21st Century Friendship ………….. 6
Friends at Work Vs. Real Friends ………… 8
Are You Friend Material? …… 12
Why You Need Friends ………. 19
Creating Impressions on People ……….. 22
Friends—A Whole New World ………….. 31
The Right Approach to Impress Online Friends …. 34
Spread Yourself Thin …………. 36
Wrap it up …………. 38
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A few weeks later, I happened to visit that village again. I chanced into that young chap. He was looking older already—young boys have an amazing way of looking different every week. I asked him how he was doing. What he said floored me.
He said that my moving out had taken a huge toll on him. Seeing that I was nonplussed, he told me how my habit of needing the newspaper early in the morning forced him to get up even earlier than that, and how that helped him revise his college lessons (he was learning to be a doctor). He said that it had become a habit for him to get up on the dot, cycle out to my place with the newspaper, deliver some other newspapers on the way, and then go right home and start studying. After I left, he did not need to get up that early, and because of that he became lazier about his sleeping patterns. He started getting up later and later each day (his mental clock told him constantly that he did not need to get up early) and slowly he gave up delivering newspapers altogether. Eventually, he reduced his studying hours as well.
I was amazed at what he told me. I did not know how an idiosyncrasy of mine could create a habit in someone else.
This little incident told me that everything that we do… without exception… has an impact on people around us.
We are the sum total of the people we live with. They are our identifiers; the whole concept of individual identity is a myth. Our identities are so closely connected with the people we live with that we cannot talk about it in absolute terms as well.
Think about it. Don’t people in your home do things for us, and in the process develop their own habits? A mother who gets up early to prepare her son’s school lunch is altering her habit because of her son. If you wait for someone to go to the gym together, then you are changing your habit according to their routine. And, don’t even get me started about the relationships of love where people change themselves for each other so dramatically that there is no concept of individuality at all.
We need people around us to help us. We need them to do our small and big tasks, and we do things for us as well. We need people to live with us. We need people to share our thoughts and ideas with. We need people to go to work with, to study with, to exercise with. These are things we do not—and cannot—do alone.
And, at the same time, we know that we have to do things for them too. Though we accept it or not, at every living instant of our day, we are doing things with others in mind. You work for money probably, but at the end of the day you know that whatever it is you are selling is a requirement for someone. Businesses would not have existed on earth if we had not been social beings.
Friendship is just a small part of being social; it is just one aspect. But in the 21st Century, the implication of friendship has become much wider, as we are going to see in the subsequent chapters. It is no longer necessary that “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. The definition has now gone beyond ‘need’. Friendship is now the epitome of our very lives itself.
Know What a Friend Is in a 21st Century Friendship
It can definitely be said that the concept of friendship has changed remarkably over the last few years. Friends don’t need to be with you all the time anymore. You don’t need to hang out together to be called friends. Why, today, people who have never met can still be friends!
Confused? Read on…
The concept of friendship has undergone a renaissance of sorts. Our previous generation, when they would announce someone as their friend, it usually meant that they were together at school or work, and that they spent a lot of time together. It usually meant they were people with at least a few similar tastes and interests and who hung around together. In those times, people made friendships for a particular reason—because they were in school or at work together or that they lived in the same neighborhood. Hardly did their friends go out of their niche!
But that was the time of compartmentalization. Friends, like everything else, were compartmentalized. We had school friends, college friends, office friends, church friends, soccer friends and so on. It is funny even to think of that now. In today’s times, such slotting is definitely not possible. You may meet your friend in a particular place, but it is not necessary that they will stay there. They will soon spill out to other areas of your life as well. This is how friendship is in today’s world… they do not stay put in just one area of your life; they spread out all over the place.
The networks run deeper as well. It is more likely that a ‘school’ friend of yours knows your office colleague and so on. The exclusiveness factor just does not exist anymore.
Why has this radical shift happened? To a very great extent, the Internet is responsible for it. Today, we are all very active on social networking websites, whether it is Facebook or MySpace or Twitter. We are all over the place. These social networking websites are such that they show the whole world who your friends are. You cannot keep them hidden anymore. Soon enough, someone is going to see someone they know and other network starts building right then and there. The Internet has made our personal lives so public that immediately everyone knows what’s going on with us.
It is not that these networks did not exist in the past. They did. The only issue was that in those days we did not have the social networking websites that we have today. For that reason, people whom we knew through somewhere remained
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF), 38 Pages
- 15 Graphics (JPG, PNG)
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- Year Released/Circulated: 2022
- File Size: 2,223 KB
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