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The process of bringing redemption of something or self takes effort, practice and techniques to complete. It also takes a will to learn something new regularly. By putting into the practice the goals we intend to achieve, we can advance toward the redemptive self-sooner. It takes us to have a will to forgive self and others for their wrongdoings. In some instances however, we may not be able to forgive, but we can remember that what these people have done to us, in time will reap consequences. It is not our duty to forgive someone that has seriously wronged us, yet it is our duty to stop this hate from taking control of our life. We must endeavor to look ahead into a brighter future in order to survive the overload of stress we deal with in this fast-paced world.
By reforming the mind to think clearer, one can develop the power to release negative energies that take over his life. We do this through prayer, meditation, guided relaxation, learning, yoga and other techniques that have proven to assist many others over the centuries. We all have the power within to explore our problems and find answers, which is part of the self-redemptive process. We can do this by taking interest in exploring the subliminal mind, going through the channels that hide messages from us so that we can see clearer what we must do to take back control of the mind and body. The first step we can take is to enhance the self.
Enhancing Toward the Redemptive Self
Estimating what one believes is a great start to work through the redemptive self-processes that lead us to better health and happiness. We must learn to put trust in self and mostly our creator in order to bring redemption to self. Thus, having faith in self is essentially needed to take back your control. Without faith, one will feel uneasy most times and often hesitate when information directs them toward self-redemption. First, we must realize that it is not in our power to forgive without asking our creator to forgive us. Therefore, the first obvious step is to practice prayer. Ask for wisdom to see what you must do to work through self-redemption.
If you lack faith in self then obviously people around you will also doubt your ability to attain your goals. One must develop confidence in self by believing in self. It is crucial to shun stay alert to friends’ causes us to feel at ease continuously. These people could make us feel overly protected, which may induce the notion to abandon challenging steps necessary for developing self-assurance, and self-reliance.
Self-belief or self-reliance indoctrinates an entity to stretch self above his comfort zone. The steps then to self-redemption are to take the challenges on, and move in the directions that expand the mind to definite answers to our problems. We must seek the best techniques and solutions that allow us to use full force, moving ahead to find the fact-based answers that lead us to self-redemption.
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* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 149
* Included Graphics: Ecovers
* Download File Size: 883 KB