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PLR Ebook Table Of Contents
Introduction …………………………………………..………….pg 4
Chapter 1: Your Pet’s Home ……………………………… 5
Chapter 2: Planning Your Habitat …………………….. 15
Chapter 3: Heating & Lighting Your Habitat …….. 29
Chapter 4: Maintaining Humidity For Your Iguana 44
Chapter 5: What Goes Into My Habitat …………….. 47
Chapter 6: Taking Care Of Your Iguana Correctly 52
Chapter 7: Cleaning And Maintaining Your Iguana 57
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………. 60
Ebook Sample Content Preview
You want to own an iguana? Do you know what it takes to make that happen?
Owning an iguana is not something simple. You have to balance their living environment with their needs for the most natural levels of protection. If you don’t invest the time in finding the right type of living area for your iguana and give him the proper care, he will not be as healthy as he should be. In fact, without the right environment, he will perish.
There are many people that don’t invest enough time in determining the right living environment for their iguana. In the first chapter, we talk about just how important this fact is. The bottom line is that without a carefully controlled living environment, the iguana can become ill. The good news is that we’ve taken all of the guess work out of it.
You’ll learn how to properly build a home for your pet, how to maintain it, how to properly feed and clean your iguana and even how to begin training your pet. With these things in place, you’ll be able to bring home an iguana and call him your pet. And, he’ll love you for doing so!
Chapter 1: Your Pet’s Home
Even before you consider purchasing an iguana, you must consider its needs for a proper home. Since the iguana’s health is dependant on the actual environment that he lives in, it is essential that this part of the process happen first, before anything else.
Iguana’s use their homes for more than just shelter. It is imperative that his home provides the necessary protection but also the right heat for his well being. Unlike the dog or other mammals, iguanas must have a well maintained climate in order to stay healthy.
This is due to the iguana’s need for the wavelengths of the light within its home. They will use these wavelengths to aid in their metabolism as well as in their body chemistry.
What Was Home Like?
If you consider where the iguana is from, you can see what his needs will be in the climate that you create for him. The extreme temperatures of that environment were also fairly humid. This combination is what his body is conditioned for and therefore must be replaced in the shelter you’ll provide for him if he is to survive and be as healthy as he can be…
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