Salespage Snapshot:

Table Of Contents
> Introduction
> Blogging – The New ‘Heart’ Of The Web
• Was Is Blogging So Effective
• Choosing Your Platform
• Free Will Cost You Money
• WordPress – The Choice Of Champions
> Creating Content To Drive Traffic
• Letting Others Create Content
> What If I Already Have A Site?
> Being Pro-Active
> Using RSS
• 7 Ways Of Attracting More RSS Subscribers
> Bookmarking For Popularity
> Social Networking Sites
> Video Sites
• Videos Marketing – The Future
> Other Places To Build A Presence
• Squidoo
• HubPages
• Technorati (WTF)
> Oldies But Goldies
> Conclusion
Sample Content Preview
The phrase Web 2.0 was originally coined three or so years ago and, unless you have been living on a far off planet or in a cave, no doubt you will have heard it.
Perhaps you might have wondered what it is all about, or indeed, whether Web 2.0 actually exists at all?
It may seem a little strange to be asking whether something that people have been talking about for three years exists or not, but the reason is that there is no easy-topin- down definition of what Web 2.0 actually is.
Indeed, a measure of just how difficult it is to define Web 2.0 is that it is far easier to tie down what it is not!
For example, it is not a particular type of website, although some sites (especially internet marketing product sales pages produced over the last six months or so) are becoming recognizable as Web 2.0 ‘style’ sites.
More and more of these sites are moving away from strong, garish colors in sales page backgrounds and reverting to plain white or grey backgrounds.
Whilst these are not Web 2.0 sites – there is no such ting – nevertheless, simplicity and plainness in site design is making a big comeback!
The fact is that, if there is only one factor that can be said to represent Web 2.0, it can be summed up as interactivity.
Web 2.0 is all about the idea that people should have some kind of input to the sites that they are viewing, again perhaps best described by comparison with the ‘old’ style of websites back when we had what might be called Web 1.0.
Those old style sites tended to be static – you read them and then moved on. There was no requirement for you to do anything other than read and accept the information that the site gave you.
The essence of Web 2.0 is that sites that you are viewing will invite you to do something.
So, maybe when you go to a commercial website for a big international company, the site asks you to leave comments of perhaps take a quick survey?
They are asking you for feedback of some kind, whether it is on the story that you have just read, or about the site itself.
Other Details- Ebook (PDF, ODT), 36 Pages
- 5 Part Autoresponder Email Messages (TXT)
- Salespage (HTML)
- Ecover (PSD, JPG)
- Promotional Ad Material (Banners)
- 3 Affiliate Emails
- Year Released/Circulated: 2007
- File Size: 6,701 KB
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