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I. Getting to Know HubPages
You might be wondering what HubPages is and why there are 200000 hubs on the Internet. This report aims to help you take a big step and catch up with the rest of the people around the world taking advantage of the online world through HubPages. is an online community filled with informative contents written by different people or hubbers. It is a free hosted social network where people can speak their minds, share information, and earn money.
HubPages shares its revenues with the writers or content producers. This social network provides easy means for writers to share their expertise and monetize their pages. The hubpages can be an extra source of income through different advertisements, products, and tools that can bring in the life blood of anything on the internet, traffic.
Since it is a social network, you have to interact with the other people online. Aside from posting original contents, you can comment on the other articles posted by other hubbers.
Why should you take advantage of HubPages?
A simple answer for a simple question: It is a world of opportunities!
HubPages is considered as an authority by Google, Yahoo!, MSN, and the other search engines. When you see its page rank, it spells money. Yes, $$$$!
Writing articles and developing informative should the center of your hubber’s life. You can practically write about anything under the sun. HubPages provide the tools that are very easy to use so you can produce quality content.
Hubpages is a great venue to reach a very large online crowd who’s hungry for information. It also gives you an opportunity to use very effective money generating tools.
This report will guide you in setting up your own hub, put spotlight on some great features of HubPages, and provide you a step-by-step guide in creating your very own hubs.
What is a Hub?
Hubs basically make up the heart and soul of HubPages. Hubs are articles or web pages, which contain anything under the sun. You can share your thoughts, expertise, and interests to thousands or even millions of people using the Internet.
Other Details- 2 Ebooks (PDF, DOC), 17 Pages
- 1 Salespage (HTML)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2010
- File Size: 2,822 KB
License Details:
[YES] Include Professional Sales Letter.
[YES] Can edit the sales letter and graphics.
[YES] Can sell Master Resale Rights.
[YES] Includes Professional Graphics.
[YES] Can Put Your Name As The Author.
[YES] Can Be Edited.
[YES] Can Be Used As Web or e-zine content
[YES] Can be added into a paid membership sites.
[YES] Can Be Broken Down Into Articles.
[YES] Can Sell Private Label Rights.
[NO] Can be offered as a bonus.
[NO] Can be given away for free.
[NO] Can be offered through on any auction sites.
[NO] Can be added to a free membership.