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Table of Contents
Introduction 4
Social Networking Traffic … 5
Traffic With Video …… 7
Article Marketing . 8
Traffic From Press Releases ….. 13
Traffic From Slideshows … 15
Sample Content Preview
Article Marketing
Article marketing is one of the most popular methods of generating relevant traffic (and back links) from authority websites, to quickly maximize your outreach with high quality content that communicates directly with your target audience.
Article marketing doesn’t have to be a time consuming strategy either. If you aren’t able to create articles on your own, you can simply outsource them to experienced freelancers at affordable rates (see or for potential writers).
Best of all, you only need a handful of articles to jump start the process, and simply work towards submitting regular content each week to build up your portfolio and expand your outreach.
With article marketing, you can quickly build brand awareness and be seen as an authority in your market or industry.
When creating your articles for distribution, keep in mind that the title of your article is one of the most important components. If you choose the wrong title, you won’t be able to provoke interest or capture attention, so always take your time in choosing relevant titles that incorporate your keywords, and speak directly to your target audience. You have only a few seconds to pull them in! Generally, your articles should never be longer than about 300-350 words. This is enough to get your article accepted, but not so long as to lose your readers attention.
You also want to make sure that your content is unique, targeted and structured so that it addresses your prospects concerns, answers their questions, and solidifies your ability to provide them with the information they are looking for.
If you are new to article marketing, here is a quick overview of how it works:
You create and submmit quality articles that focus on specific topics, products or niche markets.
You submit these articles into popular article directories such as where they are quickly ranked within search engines driving in organic traffic.
Article directories hold weight within the major search engines, attracting thousands of visitors each day. Since your articles will appear within the major search engines quickly, visitors are funnelled onto your content pages where they can read your article content.
The more articles you have in circulation, the more exposure you will receive, however in order to direct visitors to your website, you must create a highly targeted author’s «resource box» which contains your external link as well as more information about you or what you’re offering.
With each article, the total number of incoming links pointing to your website or blog. The higher the number of links pointing to any particular website, the more signifigance the search engines will place on these links.
Search engines index articles that are published on these directories, and using keywords and relevant topics you begin to rank for specific keyword phrases, increasing your exposure instantly as people locate your articles when entering in these keyword combinations into the search engines.
Consistently work towards adding in more articles, increasing your overall outreach by being able to rank for individual keyword phrases, while covering multiple niche markets quickly and easily. Submitting 2-4 articles each week will help you keep the momentum going, while expanding your outreach with every article submission.
Article marketing is a form of traffic generation that requires an ongoing effort. While you can set up a solid article marketing system that will continue to produce results and generate exposure, in order to get the most out of your article marketing campaigns, you will want to continue to submit fresh content weekly.
Resource: The fastest way to distribute your articles and maximize your overall exposure is by using an article distribution service, including , Submit Your Articles is an incredible service that will help distribute your articles and maximize exposure, quickly and easily.
All you have to do is plug your article content into your Submit Your Article account, and they will go to work distributing your content to all of the top article directories online!
Here are other automated article distribution services that are worth checking out:
Traffic From Press Releases
With press releases, you can begin to generate MASSIVE traffic within a few days and the cost of submitting a press release is very affordable, in fact, there are free press release distribution services online that you can use.
In order to create an effective press release, simply choose one of your articles and tweak it so that it’s structured to sound more like news, rather than content.
The objective of a press release is to make an important announcement and so you need to modify your article just a bit so that it’s properly formatted and appears to be news worthy. Press Releases require a specific structure in order to be accepted as well and to help you get started; here is the basic anatomy of a proper press release:
Other Details- 1 Ebook (PDF, DOC), 16 Pages
- 7 Part Autoresponder Email Messages (TXT)
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML, PSD)
- File Size: 5,768 KB