Salespage Snapshot

Table of Contents
Internet Traffic Now 3
This is how to getthe traffic you need fast!…… 3 4 …. 5
Strategies Research 5
Getting Out Of The Traffic Getting Circle …. 6
Your Visitors … 7
Article Marketing with RSS ……. 9
And Speaking of Blogs… .. 11
But Wait, There’s More… . 12
How Not To Let Forums and Blog Commenting Suck Your Time …. 13
Product Reviews.. 14
“When in Doubt – Ask…” . 16
Ezine Ads ……. 16
PPC Ads .. 17
Your List . 18
Follow Up for your Content Placement .. 19
Creating Buyers .. 20
What Will Your Reader Do, When He Receives Your Email? . 22
Affiliate Traffic ….. 24
Your Affiliate Base .. 25
Your JV Base …. 26
Recurring Customers 28
A Customer Question …. 29
The Freebie Seekers .. 30
Transforming Subscribers to Buyers .. 31
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) . 34
Do Your Blogs need SEO? ……. 35
Static Sites …. 37
Other HTML Tips . 42
Tracking . 43
18 Tips For Generating More Traffic….. 43
Additional Bonus Traffic Getting Tips…. 51
Sample Content Preview
Both methods have an advantage. With a Special Offer, immediate sales is one pay-off – but that shouldn’t be anywhere near the forefront of your mind. You’ll use this Special Offer to test and tweak your product if necessary, based on the feedback you get. (And don’t forget to ask for feedback!)
Far more vital to your traffic generation – testimonials to include in your “big” launch; and subscribers who have been pre-qualified by their eagerness for your freebie, with the sign-up option.
Your Special Offer can be free for your list – but many people swear by charging a minimum fee for it – $1.00 or $2.00. (It’s a psychological truth that people attach more value to something they have paid for.)
One other little-mentioned advantage of starting with a highly targeted, limited-time Special Offer lies in the fact that you will now have a list (even if it’s not the largest one on the planet.
Without a list, you are far less likely to attract quality affiliates.
With a Freebie, you need to actively promote it on more than just your favorite forum (the one that housed your exclusive Special Offer.) Social networking – across as many platforms as you frequent – is a must for creating that most powerful asset of all – word of mouth buzz.
“When in Doubt – Ask…”
But that’s not even the beginning. You need to ask your market what it needs, before you ever touch the keyboard to start your product creation. Don’t make the fatal mistake of thinking that, because you think an idea is awesome, your fellow forum or niche members will, too. Yes. They may very well agree that it’s the next best thing to sliced bread…
…But will they pay for it? (Even with a Freebie, it has to logically lead to your next product or upsell – which they will have to shell out for.)
Don’t forget to use Surveys and Polls to capture reader attention and invite that valuable feedback. (Survey Monkey is a very easy-to-use free survey building site – and there’s a great Pro option too.) Post about your survey on your niche’s best forums (but only if you’re already a member there!) Blog about it, ask your fellow forum members to pass it on. Tweet it. Ask others to re-tweet it. Talk about it on Facebook. Be active in making sure you ask others to promote it.
Ezine Ads
If you’re presenting an offer and want to make sales straight away, eZine ads are usually way less expensive than other forms of paid advertising – with no surprises (unlike PPC campaigns, which can run you up huge deficits, if you get your keyword wrong.) If you’re on a tight budget, PPC campaigns such as Google AdWords would be better left till you’re finally turning some significant profit.
Most important, have signup links for affiliates, and an email campaign set up for your autoresponders, so that you can get your list to become customers and promote you with their own lists.
It’s been a long accepted fact that using a fleet of affiliates (including JV partners) is the most powerful source of traffic generation.
Pay Per Click ads are good for driving traffic to your campaigns, but you need to set daily limits, make sure you’ve chosen the right keyword (one with competition – but not too much) and watch it like a hawk, to ensure you’re not getting thousands of clicks with no conversions (if that happens, you’ve got a bad keyword! Change it, fast – before you go broke!)
Stick to your PPC budget : After all, what use is your ad, if your PPC costs dwarf your profits?
You don’t need to worry about Search Engine Optimization with PPC – but you do need to focus on capturing your readers and getting them to click. Hit the high spots. Use your best lure.
One PPC crucial point that is rarely talked about … Make sure you use keywords from your actual PPC ad in your Squeeze page or Sales page. Google does use algorithms to make sure the site content matches the ad – they want to quickly weed out spurious PPC ads who talk about Healthy and Active Life Styles – and then send you to a sales pitch for Viagra.
Also, Google doesn’t like PPC ads that link to a single landing page or sales page. Its Search Bots (and the occasional human editor) are looking for legitimate, established websites – which they translate as packed with articles and pages. (You can still do this and not have an actual link on your landing page! Just as long as the site has those articles or pages full of relevant content physically contained in it, Google’s ability to find an actual navigation link to that content on your landing page will not hurt you.)
This seems like a lot of work, and blows sky-high the idea that you can slap up a minisite with 3 pages and make money. If you’re using PPC ads, you can’t.
What happens if you do? You are risking a sudden huge, inexplicable increase in your click-through rate for that ad – what people call the “Google slap”. (They’re penalizing you for having what their Search Bots interpret as a dubious site.)
Other Details- 25 Articles (TXT)
- 1 Ebook (PDF), 52 Pages
- 1 Squeeze Page (HTML)
- 2 Ecovers (PNG)
- Year Released/Circulated: 2018
- File Size: 2,430 KB
License Details:
[YES] Can sell and keep 100% of the sales.
[YES] Can edit the squeeze page.
[YES] Can be bundled into another paid package and sell at a higher price.
[YES] Can be used as a bonus to another product you are selling.
[YES] Can be sold in a Dime sale event.
[YES] Can be added into a paid membership site.
[YES] Can pass on the Master Resell Rights privilege to your customers.
[YES] Can be given away for free AGAINST an email address (lead generation)
[NO] Contents of the product can be edited, modified or altered.