Table Of Contents
Your Rights 2
What Is Twitter? 4
How To Set Up 4
Registration 5
Your Settings 6
Devices 7
Notices 8
Picture Tab 8
Design Tab 8
Twitter Client Applications 9
Your Tweets 10
Replies 11
Retweeting 11
The Big Decision 11
Gaining Followers 12
Some Good People To Start With 12
Twellow 14
Mr Tweet 15
Grader 15
Advanced Tweeting Tips 16
Twitter Backgrounds 16
SocialToo 16
TweetLater 17
Twitterfeed 18
SplitTweet 18
Twitdom 19
Friendfeed 19
Your Twitter Karma 20
Conclusion 20
Ebook Sample Content Preview
What Is Twitter?
What is Twitter? Well, where have you been.. LOL? Twitter would have to be the fastest growing site on the web today. It is taking the internet by storm and there are around 10,000 new users per day signing up to participate in this internet revolution.
Twitter is best described as a micro blogging platform. You are limited to 140 characters each time you do an update, which initially, may seem a small amount. However, as you become more experienced, it’s just amazing what you can fit into 140 characters.
That said, Twitter is much, much more than that. It is like one huge global chat room, but then again, it doesn’t have to be. It all depends on how many people you follow on Twitter. If it’s in the thousands, then your “Tweetstream” will be running fast and furious with everything that’s coming in. If you are only following a few hundred, or even less, then things are much easier to keep up with.
Twitter is also a great way to meet new people online, particularly those with similar interests to you. I will show you how to do this more as we progress thorugh this report.
How To Set Up
Setting up on Twitter to have your own account is easy, but there are a few things that you should be aware of when organizing your account. This can apply even if you already have an existing account too, so consider these tips and it can improve your entire Twittter experience…