Ultimate Web 2.0 Profits Guide Plr Ebook

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What is Web 2.0?

Although coined only 3 years ago by O’Reilly Media, Web 2.0 is quickly becoming vernacular in our culture, but many people do not know what it really means. It name suggests that it’s an upgrade from the original world wide web. As such, web 2.0 would signal the next generation of the internet, truly an enormous thing. But what is the real essence of web 2.0? This section is meant to provide a broad overview of web 2.0, what it is, how it came about, and how you can recognize it.

Web 2.0 is changing the entire focus of internet surfing. With web 2.0, you are no longer passively reading through pages and clicking to other pages. Instead, you are contributing with each click, modifying search engines with your own vocabulary, helping to improve your own future online experience, and communicating with, sharing with, and teaching others throughout the world. Web 2.0 is still quite new, but it promises to be the next big generation in internet communications.

The phrase “web 2.0” itself is a catch phrase with questionable inherent meaning. O’Reilly Media, working with MediaLive International, initially coined the phrase when naming a series of internet conferences in 2004. Since then, the phrase web 2.0 has been adopted by developers and marketers alike, but some people question whether each use of the word adheres to the original definition, or whether a rigid definition even exists. The expert Tim O’Rielly has said, in effect, that web 2.0 includes all applications, using the internet as a platform, that improve in quality and content as more people use them. To put it more glibly, web 2.0 is “the intelligent web,” where the internet and the collective intelligence combine.

The Core Requirements of Web 2.0

Experts Tim O’Reilly and John Battelle outlined the core requirements of Web 2.0 in their first conference on the subject. These are (1) the web as a platform which can be used to add, annotate, remove, or modify data, and where (2) data is the driving force. In Web 2.0, the participation of readers in the content contribute to a network, known as the “architecture of participation.” Web 2.0 is also slated to have (3) an “open source development” such that features and information are compiled from diverse sources and independent developers. Next is a (4) lightweight business model where content is syndicated and the content is “perpetually beta,” or always part of a working model. In other words, no matter what the content, it can continually be changed or improved, and any reader may be qualified to change or improve it. Finally, (5) software is not constrained to a single device, also called The Long Tail, and (6) each application can easily be understood and learned by early adopters of web 2.0.

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* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 17
* Included Graphics: Ecovers, PSD
* Download File Size: 1,560 KB
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