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Ebook Table Of Contents
CHAPTER ONE: You’re engaged! Now What?
Wedding Savings Trend #1
~ Pre-Planning Stage or La-Di-Dah
~ 8 Areas You Can Save The Most In
~ Can You Be Your Own Consultant?
~ 3 Traditional Theme Weddings
~ 8 Non Traditional Theme Weddings
~ 10 Ethnic Rituals
~ Developing A Budget
CHAPTER TWO: The Crew, Dress & Tux
Wedding Savings Trend #2
~Meet The Key Players
~ Follow Your Style
~ Rent or Buy?
~ To Suit or Not to Suit
~ Accessorize Him
CHAPTER THREE: The Reception
Wedding Savings Trend #3
~ Yes, You’ve Got To Feed Them
~ The Right Time & Place
~ 310 Flowers/Plants & Meanings
CHAPTER FOUR: Video & Photography
Wedding Savings Trend #4
~ Skimping Without Missing A Shot
~ Video Vs. Photography
~ Your 40 Point Professional Shot Sheet
CHAPTER FIVE: The Honeymooners
Wedding Savings Trend #5
~ 14 Ways to Find Honeymoon Red Light Specials
~ The Early Bird
~ Easy To Tabulate Honeymoon Budget Table
CHAPTER SIX: The Timeline
Wedding Savings Trend #6
~ Four-Month Wedding Calendar
~ Wedding Resources
Ebook Sample Content Preview
You’re Engaged! Now What?
Wedding Savings Trend#1
(Couples are choosing to get married on Thursday, Friday or Sunday nights. Those days are less expensive than Saturday weddings.)
Can you believe Weddings Savings Trend #1? Saturdays have been the wedding day of choice for years. But a new day is dawning. Folks have figured out that it’s cheaper to get married on Thursdays, Fridays and Sunday nights. Sunday nights before a long holiday weekend is the most popular. The Fourth of July is also a big choice. Hmmmm, that’s really something to think about, now isn’t it?
We started out with this wedding trend because I wanted you to start thinking about what day you want to get married on. It’s cheaper to get married on any other day EXCEPT Saturday. You’ll have to make the decision if any other day will work for you. I can understand if you’re hell bent on getting married on a Saturday because it has been historically the most common wedding day.
We’ll just figure out another way to save you money if you decide to get married on a Saturday. Don’t fret! We have a whole array of cost saving measures throughout this ebook. Don’t try to decide on a day just yet. I just want to get you to thinking in the cost saving mode. We’ll come back to planning the exact time, day and location of your wedding a little later in the ebook, but, for right now, let’s talk about the pre-planning wedding stage or what I call the “la di dah stage.”
If you haven’t done so already, you’ll want to spread the news to all of your loved ones. I understand that. In fact, you may want to tell everyone you come in contact with today that you’re in love and you’re getting married. Rest assured, this is all very normal. The pre-planning stage is the most important part of wedding planning.
You decide on a wedding budget during this stage of the planning process. You’ll decide on what you can afford and what you can’t. You’ll decide on the things you must have versus the things you can live without. You may not be able to afford all the lavish things you want for your wedding, but I’ll show you ways to make some things affordable.
That’s it in a nutshell. The key to planning a wedding on a budget is deciding on what you want to spend a whole lot on. You have to decide what things you won’t skimp on. I’ve found a lot of couples have one thing in common when it comes to wedding planning. They all want a memorable event. We’ll look at ways you can do that as well.
Planning a wedding is a huge undertaking. I have determined that there are several areas that will need your concentration if you’re going to SAVE BIG MONEY on your wedding costs. You’ll need to have what I call a sit down heart to heart with your fiancé. This heart to heart will help you to determine what is a priority for you as a couple.
You’ll need to determine if there are certain things specific to the wedding that you must have. It could be that you want a certain band to play or a certain color to wear. It could be a certain location for the wedding or reception. I know a bride who was hell bent on having her wedding at an exclusive resort. The wedding chapel was in the midst of a garden beyond belief. While they spent a ton on money reserving the location, they saved money because they didn’t have to buy flowers. Once you determine your must haves, you can then begin to incorporate them into your wedding…
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