Salespage Snapshot

Ebook Table Of Contents
Goal Setting
Age and Sex
Plan of Action
Joining a Gym
Nutrition and Supplements
Sample Content Preview
We will approach this interview as if we have someone who wants to lose weight. Our guest expert has a diverse background. His credentials include personal trainer certification, 26 years of fitness experience as well as several awards as a body builder and owner of his own gym. Using the experience and expertise of our guest, we are going to explore the different things that our client needs to do to get started. We will use a Q (Question) and A (Answer) format.
Goal Setting
Q – What is the average weight that people want to lose in your health club?
A -For most people it’s anywhere from 10 to 50 pounds.
Q – How important is the reason or motivation when someone decides to lose weight?
A – The reason or motivation could be their health or their health situation or just the way they feel.
Q – I guess what I am asking is that the reason that will get them to start with a weight loss plan and stick to it?
A – I would say so.
* Sales Page: Included, HTML, MS Word Doc
* File Format: MS Word Doc, PDF
* Number of Pages: 14
* Download File Size: 84 KB